§ 7.16.070   Special commercial container accessibility service.
   Special commercial service may be required of, or requested by, the customer as follows.
   (A)   Direct truck access service shall be provided at a location where the container can be directly serviced by the collector/driver remaining in vehicle at all times without backing and shall constitute the standard or basic service.
   (B)   Gated access service shall be provided at a location where the collector/driver exits the vehicle before and/or after service to open and close enclosure or property access gates.
   (C)   Roll-out access service shall be provided at a location where collector/driver exits vehicle before service to roll out and align castored container, which is situated at an angle or location other than with direct truck access, with the collection vehicle. After service collector/driver must exit the vehicle again to return container to its designated angle or location. Due to physical restrictions and container weight, the maximum container size permitted under this service is three cubic yards.
   (D)   Combined access service shall be provided where container service requires both gated and roll-out service. Maximum container size is three cubic yards.
   (E)   Although backup cameras and monitors are standard equipment on commercial collection vehicles, it shall be the policy of the Solid Waste Manager, for safety reasons, to prohibit container placement locations which cause excessive vehicle backing situations.
   (F)   Where property dimensions and physical development orientation permits, each customer will be required to have individual containers; otherwise, shared service may be requested from Solid Waste Manager.
   (G)   Abandoned, dead domestic pets shall be separated from normal refuse and disposed of by the customer.
   (H)   Syringes, needles and other possible infectious waste materials shall be separated from normal garbage. Customer shall contact Solid Waste Manager for proper handling and disposal.
(1995 Code, § 7.16.070) (Ord. 18-05, passed 9-18-2018)