The City Council of the City of Tulare finds determines and declares that:
(A) Local water resources are among the most precious resources of the city and surrounding area;
(B) Management of the water resources serving the residents of the city is critical to the long-term health, welfare and safety of the citizens of the city;
(C) The city’s primary water supply is from underground water resources, which are being depleted by groundwater extraction in excess of groundwater replenishment (“groundwater overdraft”);
(D) Conversion of land from agricultural to urban uses increases the local groundwater overdraft and has the potential to seriously deplete available groundwater resources over time;
(E) Provision of municipal water supplies by the city contributes substantially to the continuing groundwater overdraft;
(F) The impact of existing and proposed development on groundwater overdraft has been determined through a technical study prepared by the city, which study has been reviewed and considered by the City Council of the city prior to adoption of this ordinance. The technical analysis provides the basis for the fees established by ordinance and resolution; and
(G) California Constitution, Article XI, § 7, Cal. Public Utilities Code §§ 6203 and 6294, §§ 3 and 15 of the City Charter authorize the city to enact this chapter.
(1995 Code, § 7.10.010) (Ord. 06-2008, passed - -2006)