   5.48.010   Definitions.
   5.48.020   Permit required.
   5.48.030   Application for permit.
   5.48.040   Beverage places—Separation of dance hall.
   5.48.050   Furnishing of police officers.
Editor’s note:
   Old code §§ 5.48.060, 5.48.070 and 5.48.080 were repealed by Ord. 00-1861, passed - -2000.
§ 5.48.010   Definitions.
   In this chapter, unless it is apparent from the context hereof that some other meaning is intended, the term PUBLIC DANCE HALL shall mean any hall, room, platform, pavilion, building, restaurant or refreshment place or other place of business which is resorted to by the public at large for the purpose of engaging in or carrying on the pastime of dancing. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to require any permit for the maintenance of a bona fide school of instruction in the pastime of dancing.
(1995 Code, § 5.48.010)
§ 5.48.020   Permit required.
   No person shall establish, maintain or conduct any public dance hall without first procuring from the Chief of Police a permit so to do.
(1995 Code, § 5.48.020)
§ 5.48.030   Application for permit.
   For the purpose of procuring the permit, the person shall file an application in writing therefor with the Chief of Police.
(1995 Code, § 5.48.030)
§ 5.48.040   Beverage places—Separation of dance hall.
   No person shall permit a public dance hall to be kept open for dancing, or keep the same open for dancing to any extent whatever unless the place set aside for dancing is in a separate room or place from any room or place where alcoholic beverages are sold or consumed. No person shall permit any dancing in any public dance hall where alcoholic beverages are sold or consumed in the same room or place.
(1995 Code, § 5.48.040)
§ 5.48.050   Furnishing of police officers.
   The Chief of Police may require, as a condition to the issuance of any permit, to hold a dance in a public dance hall that the expense of placing a police officer of the city in the hall shall be borne by the applicant.
(1995 Code, § 5.48.050)