§ 10.26.030 Application.
   (A)   An application for an annexation shall be initiated with the city by submission of an application to the Community and Economic Development Department. The Community and Economic Development Director is directed to establish appropriate application forms, fee studies, and processes and to issue administrative guidelines defining a "complete" application and to set the required number of copies. The application materials shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
      (1)   A copy of any annexation or pre-annexation agreement between the party and the city or between the party and the county;
      (2)   Copies of any known studies or reports by any local governmental agency concerning the condition of the infrastructure and any service deficiencies within the area proposed for annexation;
      (3)   A statement regarding the nature and extent of existing public safety and emergency services and an evaluation of additional such services required with regard to the area proposed to be annexed;
      (4)   A statement of the applicant's plans (if any) for extending, financing, and providing municipal services within the area to be annexed;
      (5)   A summary identifying all existing special districts within the area to be annexed;
      (6)   A map of the city and adjacent area showing;
         (a)   Present and proposed boundaries of the city in the vicinity of the proposed annexation;
         (b)   The present streets, major trunk water lines, sewer interceptors and outfalls, other utility lines and ditches and the proposed extension of such streets and utility lines in the vicinity of the proposed annexation;
         (c)   The existing and proposed land use patterns in the areas to be annexed;
      (7)   A map and legal description of the area proposed to be annexed.
   (B)   The applicant/petitioner shall be responsible for the cost of preparing all environmental documentation required by the California Environmental Quality Act associated with the proposed annexation.
   (C)   Only owners of the properties proposed for annexation using the city resolution process permitted under Cal. Gov't Code § 56654, and registered electors within the proposed area proposed for annexation (or an organization lawfully formed by them to represent their interests), may submit an application.
   (D)   Community and Economic Development Director. The Community and Economic Development Director shall administer all city processes required by either the Act or this chapter in cooperation with department heads from other affected departments. Upon receipt of an application, the Director shall determine if the application is complete and will notify the applicant within 30 days if the application is deficient in any manner. Deficient applications will not be processed further until the defects are remedied.
   (E)   In connection with any LAFCO sphere of influence reviews, LAFCO annexation proceedings, or annexation pre-application (collectively, the action) processes the Director will perform an evaluation identifying potential city issues and will make recommendations with regard to such issues. At a minimum the following issues will be analyzed:
      (1)   Whether the property meets the statutory requirements for annexation.
      (2)   Whether the property is within the City of Tulare's sphere of influence as shown on the last adopted city general plan.
      (3)   Whether the proposed action is consistent with intergovernmental agreements where the city is a party.
      (4)   Whether the proposed action creates concerns regarding the city's finances or ability to provide municipal services (including without limitation municipal utility services) to the entire city if the proposed action is approved.
      (5)   Projects that will be required or impacted if the city supports the proposed action or if it is completed.
      (6)   City policies that will be affected (such as voting districts, by way of example) if the proposed action is completed.
      (7)   Any other foreseeable consequences about which the Planning Commission and City Council should be informed.
   (F)   In connection with proposed annexations which include inhabited territory, at a minimum, the following additional standards will be applied:
      (1)   The Pavement Condition Index (PCI), as applied to city streets through the city's adopted Transportation System Management Policy will be used to assess the transportation infrastructure and service needs;
      (2)   The factors specified in Cal. Health and Safety Code §§ 33030 - 33031 for determining whether "blight" exists and its degree; and
      (3)   Expected specific increases to city general fund and other fund revenues and other articulable expected city benefits are to equal or exceed the expected increased city disbursements and expected adverse city impacts.
   (G)   Staff decisions are reviewable by City Manager. All final decisions of City Manager are appealable to the City Council.
(Ord. 18-09, passed 10-16-2018)