§ 10.92.060   Application.
   Applications to reclassify property to a planned residential combining district, shall be processed consistent with Chapter 10.112, Zoning Ordinance Amendments. The tentative subdivision map or residential development plan that accompanies an application for reclassification shall be reviewed by the Planning and Building Department to determine consistency with the provisions of this chapter. The map or plan shall include the following information:
   (A)   Legal description and boundary survey map of the exterior boundaries of the parcel to be developed;
   (B)   Plot plan of land to be developed, showing residential uses by type, number and size; residential lots by type, number and size; open space uses; streets, rights-of-way and easements; and proposed on-site and off-site improvements, including landscaping, walls and fences, street and sidewalk improvements, lighting and infrastructure;
   (C)   A grading and drainage plan, showing elevations, directions of water flow and storm drainage improvements;
   (D)   Concept plans that demonstrate the overall scope of the residential development;
   (E)   A preliminary utilities and title report;
   (F)   The anticipated timing of each development phase; and
   (G)   Elevation drawings of residential structures in the development.
(1995 Code, § 10.92.060) (Ord. 00-1854, passed - -2000)