4.4   Plant Preservation and Salvage Plan for the Plant Inventory Methodology
   A.   A Plant Preservation and Salvage Plan on an aerial photograph, taken within a maximum of three years of submittal, at a minimum scale of one inch equals 60 feet showing the locations of the following. Any aerial photograph submitted, which was taken more than one year prior to submittal, shall be accompanied by a note on the plans stating that the site is substantially unchanged from the date of the aerial photograph.
      1.   Limits of all areas to be graded;
      2.   Location of proposed roads and utility easements;
      3.   Existing topographic contours at two-foot maximum contour intervals;
      4.   Disposition of all Protected Native Plants keyed to the inventory list and showing the following designations:
         a.   Plants to be preserved-in-place;
         b.   Plants to be salvaged and transplanted on-site. To the extent possible, plants should be transplanted directly to their permanent location on-site;
         c.   Plants to be salvaged and removed from the site; and,
         d.   Plants to be destroyed.
      5.   The location of a temporary holding nursery to be used for salvaged plants.
   B.   Salvage and Mitigation Report that details:
      1.   A summary by genus and species that details the total numbers of all Protected Native Plants inventoried;
      2.   The calculations used to determine, by genus and species, the numbers of replacement plants, if any, to be provided as mitigation for Protected Native Plants transplanted on-site, removed from the site, or destroyed. For assistance in determining these calculations, see Exhibit I, Native Plant Preservation Worksheet. Any required landscape plans shall include a summary of plants required for mitigation and show their site location on the landscape plans. Any project that does not have required landscape plans shall have a landscape mitigation plan prepared to show the disposition of PIP, TOS, and required mitigation, as shown in the summary;
      3.   A schedule of salvage work to be accomplished including the timing and phasing of all tree boxing, tree and cacti salvage, and grading operations to take place on-site. See Section 2-11.5.0, Salvage and Mitigation Report;
      4.   A method and schedule for providing irrigation to salvaged plants in a temporary holding area. A method and schedule for providing irrigation to PIP, TOS, and mitigation plant materials. A method to provide irrigation to plants may include water harvesting for areas that are to remain natural; and,
      5.   A method of protection from intrusion and damage for the natural vegetation outside the graded area. Specify fencing materials and methods for controlling access to the designated NUOS areas (minimum fencing requirements as specified in Section 7.7.5.C.4, Fencing , of the UDC).