The following information is required:
A. Illustrative site plan;
B. The general allocation and identification of major proposed land uses, including residential (by density range), nonresidential, open space, and recreational land uses;
C. Name, location, and extent of existing or proposed major streets located within the PAD or needed for servicing the PAD;
D. Typical street cross-sections;
E. A detailed listing of the permitted land uses in the PAD;
F. A detailed listing of the regulations governing permitted uses, including, performance and for development, regulations for development densities, heights, floor area and floor area ratios (FARs), open space, lot area and coverage, parking, landscaping, and other site improvements;
for the conservation, development, or utilization of natural resources, including surface water, soils, vegetation, and wildlife;
H. Where applicable, the methods of conservation for scenic natural and built features and viewsheds;
and responsibilities for maintenance of infrastructure and whether the infrastructure is public or private;
for the phasing and construction of streets proposed for the PAD or needed for servicing the project as identified in the required study(ies) submitted with the PAD proposal;
for the phasing and construction of sewage disposal, effluent use, stormwater drainage, solid waste disposal, and public utilities as identified in the required study(ies) submitted with the PAD proposal;
L. A phasing schedule for the following, as applicable:
1. The preservation of site features established by the PAD;
2. The development of the PAD; and,
3. The construction, dedication, and provision of public services.
M. When financial assurances are required, a draft form of financial assurances to be recorded prior to ordinance adoption;
N. Specifications as to how and to what extent the PAD is to supplement or supersede adopted city zoning regulations;
for the interpretation of the PAD regulations and requirements;
P. Development design guidelines;
Q. General landscape program;
R. Drainage plan;
S. A traffic and transportation study which includes trip generation factors for various modes, estimated trips per day by land use, proposed vehicular access and circulation plan, and traffic impacts by mode on adjacent development;
T. Impacts on existing structures, roads, and other development;
U. Impacts on existing infrastructure and public services; and,
V. Location and extent of proposed provisions for sewage disposal, effluent use, stormwater drainage, and utilities.