4.2   Site Analysis
   A.   General
      1.   A table of contents;
      2.   A map showing the location of the project site within the boundaries of the plan area;
      3.   A small project location map at a scale of one inch equals 1,000 feet showing the rezoning site at the center and indicating what generalized land uses surround it within a one-half mile radius. Major streets should be identified;
      4.   The property boundary dimensions;
      5.   Existing zoning on-site and adjacent to the site. If more than one zone is requested, identify the location of the proposed zoning boundaries with dimensions and acreage of each zone requested on the Plan Proposal;
      6.   Locations, size (square footage), and height of all existing buildings within 100 feet of the project site, dimensioned to show distance to project site boundaries, including approximate densities of residential uses and types of commercial or industrial uses;
      7.   Locations, size (square footage), and height of all buildings existing or proposed on the project site. Note the approximate setbacks from property boundaries and whether existing buildings will remain as part of the project or if they will be removed; and,
      8.   Locations of any existing billboards on the project site. Note whether the intent is to leave in place, relocate, or remove.
   B.   Circulation and Trips
      1.   Map the following information:
         a.   Major and/or local streets abutting the project; names and widths of these streets; proposed rights-of-way for the major streets per the Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) Plan; scenic or gateway routes abutting the project site; distance to and identification of nearest major intersection;
         b.   Existing and proposed curb cuts and access drives; their widths and locations relative to the street intersection or to the project property line; any driveways to be closed;
         c.   Locations of deceleration or turn lanes if traffic volumes, access, or other design features require this solution after consultation with the City Traffic Engineer; and,
         d.   Locations of existing/proposed curbs, driveways, sidewalks, and bike paths both on-site and adjacent off-site; locations of structures, such as poles or transformers, that will require relocation because of new right-of-way improvements.
      2.   Provide the following information in the form of notes on the map or as part of a separate report.
         a.   Locations of existing or proposed traffic signals within one mile of the project boundaries;
         b.   Locations of nearest existing public transit stops, any proposed transit stops, and park-and-ride facilities;
         c.   Projected date of any roadway or other improvements affecting the project and currently included in the City Capital Improvement Program (C.I.P.), including street lighting improvements; indicate if property owner is required or willing to participate in an improvement district for these improvements;
         d.   Existing traffic counts (average daily traffic) on the major streets within one mile of the proposed project; and,
         e.   Provide trip generation calculations for existing and proposed uses on the project site, including separate calculations for each different land use activity if the proposed project is a mixed use project.
   C.   Cultural Resources
   Provide a letter from the Arizona State Museum, the State Historic Preservation Office, or a qualified archaeologist indicating whether the site has been field surveyed, whether there are archaeological or historical resources on or adjacent to the site, and stating their recommendations with regard to further investigation and/or preservation.
   D.   Hydrology & Drainage
      1.   Map the following information:
         a.   On-site and off-site drainageways which relate to project site drainage characteristics. Note if part of any of the drainageway or its adjacent off-site system is natural or constructed (engineered channel, etc.);
         b.   One hundred-year floodplains on the site or adjacent to the site;
         c.   Drainageways subject to the provisions of the Environmental Resource Zone (ERZ) or Watercourse Amenities, Safety, and Habitat (WASH) ordinances; and,
         d.   Erosion hazard (setback) areas.
      2.   Provide the following information as notes on the map or in a separate report:
         a.   Estimated amount of cubic feet per second (cfs) on record at peak flow 100-year event currently entering and leaving the site;
         b.   Whether existing condition is sheet flow or in a contained channel (natural or constructed), and locations of proposed retention/detention areas; and,
         c.   Reference whether the City Floodplain Ordinance and/or Article VIII, Section 29-12 of the Tucson Code, WASH, or ERZ are applicable to the site.
   E.   Schools, Recreational, and Cultural Facilities
      1.   Map the following information:
         a.   Locations of any schools, parks, libraries, and public land abutting the project site; show the name of the facility and the ownership. If any abutting vacant land is proposed for such uses, indicate the name of the facility and the ownership;
         b.   Pedestrian and bike routes currently used by children going to schools, parks, or other public facilities and those proposed if the project is residential; note any conflict points, if known, between vehicular and pedestrian or bicycle traffic; and,
         c.   Location of any trail or trail access (foot, horse, or bicycle access or any access to a public preserve), on or adjacent to the site, existing or designated on the City Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails (PROST) Element of the General Plan or the Pima County Trail System Master Plan. Note whether any current or future trails are located within one mile of the site.
      4.   For residential projects only, provide the following information in the form of notes on a map or as part of a separate report:
         a.   Names of any existing or proposed schools which service this project and the estimated number of children who will attend these schools; and,
         b.   Parks and libraries within a one mile of the rezoning site.
   F.   Soils
      1.   Map the following information:
         a.   Any heavily disturbed areas (by prior grading or excavation) and any unstable soils which may be prone to subsidence or erosion; and,
         b.   Locations of any hazardous materials on the project site placed on the property or naturally occurring, such as landfills, “wildcat” dumps, dross, or radon gas. Provide the results of soil testing that may have been done for the site, either for the proposed project or for previous development.
      2.   Provide the following information in the form of notes on the map or in a separate report.
         a.   Locations of any landfill sites or hazardous materials storage within one mile;
         b.   Any other existing facilities/operations within one mile which may impact the project (such as sand/gravel operations, power plants, airports, sewage treatment plants, etc.); and,
         c.   If applicable, describe soil suitability for septic use.
   G.   Topography
   Map the following:
      1.   Topographic contour lines or spot elevations; and,
      2.   Direction and percent slope of all areas over 15%. Indicate whether the site is within the Hillside Development Zone (HDZ).
   H.   Utilities
   Map the all utilities (including utility line sizes and locations) and any dedicated easements existing on or adjacent to the project site, such as gas, electric, water, telephone, cable, sewer, fire protection, etc.
   I.   Vegetation
   Provide a written description and map on an aerial photograph the following information:
      1.   Existing on-site vegetation, including mesquite bosques, visually prominent cacti, or individual trees with a caliper of four inches or greater, and all saguaros. Identify those vegetative areas of wildlife, scenic value, or screening significance; and,
      2.   Existing landscaping and screening (walls/fences) along site boundaries.
   J.   Views
   Describe the views to and from the site. Provide photographs and/or map the views.