3.1   Pedestrian circulation paths located within any street, whether public or private, are regulated by Section 10-01.0.0, Street Technical Standard. (See Figure 7-A for a typical cross-section.)
3.2   Pedestrian circulation paths designed for barrier-free accessibility for the physically disabled and located within any development are regulated by the adopted building codes.
3.3   Within all development, a continuous pedestrian circulation path is required as follows:
   A.   This path must connect all public access areas of the development and the pedestrian circulation path located in any adjacent streets.
   B.   The areas within the development which must be connected include, but are not limited to, all buildings, all bicycle and vehicle parking areas, all recreation areas, all areas, and all other common use areas.
      1.   Areas within the development which are not required to be connected to the pedestrian circulation path are those which will be used only for maintenance or for nonpublic truck use, such as truck loading spaces.
      2.   Portions of certain Land Use Classes which by their nature will not be used for public pedestrian access, such as industrial uses, commercial storage uses, wholesale uses, contractor yards, or similar uses, are not required to have sidewalks constructed in conformance with this standard, provided adequate pedestrian refuge areas are provided.
   C.   Within this pedestrian circulation path, an accessible route is also required in compliance with the city’s adopted building codes.
(Am. Admin. Directive, 11/6/2013)