8.1   Vegetation, such as those with spines, thorns, or needles, that may present hazards to pedestrians, bicycles, or vehicles must be planted a safe distance from the outer branch tips to the edge of a walkway, or path, roadway, or parking area access lane (PAAL). The growing characteristics of the vegetation must be taken into consideration when determining this distance (see Figure 5-I, Safety Standards).
8.2   Shrubs or ground cover planted adjacent to a walkway, driveway, bicycle path, or street must be placed with the plant center at a distance equal to or greater than one-half the normal width of the plant, at maturity.
8.3   Shrubs or ground cover that spreads must be kept pruned to prevent encroachment upon walkways, bicycle paths, driveways, or streets.
8.4   Trees with the potential for overhanging a walkway, driveway, bicycle path, parking space, or street must be of a type that, at maturity, provides a canopy with an understory height clearance of eight feet for walkways and bicycle paths, 12 feet for driveways and streets, and 15 feet for loading spaces. The height clearance shall be maintained by pruning during the tree’s active growth period or when necessary.
8.5   In addition to the sight visibility triangle, no planted area may create a hazard by obstructing a driver’s view of oncoming pedestrians, bicyclists, or vehicles.