Sec. 1. City manager.
Subject to the control of the mayor and council, the manager shall have the general supervision and direction of the administrative operation of the city government; he shall supervise and direct the official conduct of all appointive city officers except the auditor,* attorney, treasurer,† health officer,† clerk and magistrate; he shall supervise the performance of all contracts made by any person for work done for the city, and in that behalfrepresent the city except as it may be otherwise provided in this Charter; he shall appoint, employ and discharge, from time to time, as occasion requires, all officers, deputies and employees of the city, who elsewhere in this Charter he is authorized to appoint, employ and discharge; he shall appoint all officers of the city, the appointment or election of whom is not otherwise provided for in this Charter, and may remove them when the interests of the city require; he shall make a written report to the mayor and council, at their first meeting in each month, of the state of the condition and business affairs of the city, with his recommendations in regard thereto; and he shall, whenever required by the mayor and council, make a written or verbal report, as may be indicated by the mayor and council, in detail of any particular matter relating to the affairs of the city within his supervision; he may require written monthly reports, or may require them oftener, from each of the appointed officers of the city, of the business and conditions of such office, and shall submit the same to the mayor and council upon their request therefor. The manager may direct reports other than the monthly reports herein provided for to be made verbally. All written reports shall be safely kept by the proper officers, as a part of the records of the city, and be open to the inspection of the electors of the city during office hours.
It shall be his duty, as well as that of the mayor, to see that all of the ordinances of the city are enforced.
(Ord. No. 1287, eff. 9-4-52)
†   Editors Note: The office of auditor was abolished by repeal of § 2 of this chapter, and his functions are now performed by the director of finance under ch. XXIX hereof. The office of treasurer was abolished by repeal of § 3 of this chapter, and his functions are now performed by the director of finance under ch. XXIX hereof. Chapter XI, § 1, providing for a health officer has been repealed.
   Cross References: Appointment, term and removal of city manager, ch. V, § 3; budgetary duties of city manager, ch. XIII, §§ 3, 4; duty of manager to keep franchise record, ch. XVII, § 13; duty of manager to issue temporary permits for franchise holders to use streets and public places, ch. XVII, § 14.