Sec. 3. When vacancies exist.
A vacancy shall exist in any elective or appointive office, except under the recall provisions of this Charter, when an officer fails to qualify within thirty (30) days after commencement of his term, dies, resigns, removes from the city, absents himself continuously for thirty (30) days from the duties of his office without the consent of the council, for two (2) consecutive months, is incapacitated so that he is unable to attend to the duties of his office, is convicted of violating any of the provisions of this Charter, or of a felony, or is judicially declared a lunatic as defined by statute, or, in the office of councilman, when a member of the council is selected to fill a vacancy in the office of mayor, as hereinbefore provided.
(Ord. No. 8951, § 1, 9-2-97)
   Editors Note: Added as a result of a Charter Amendment Special Election held November 4, 1997. This amendment became effective on December 9, 1997.