Sec. 23A-60. Appeal procedures.
   (1)   Administrative appeals. Appeals from zoning and development decisions shall be to the board of adjustment or to the mayor and council as specified in each procedure. Appeals are limited to review of substantive zoning regulations such as design and performance criteria and required findings for approval. Where there is no further appeal to a city body is specified, the decision is the final city decision and any further appeal or special action may be filed with the Superior Court as provided by law.
   (2)   Takings appeals for individual dedications and exactions or excessive reduction of property values. Appeals to final discretionary decisions that require a dedication or an exaction as a condition for granting a development approval and appeals to the adoption or amendment of a zoning regulation on the grounds that the regulation creates an unconstitutional taking of private property shall be processed in accordance with section 23A-63.
(Ord. No. 9967, § 9, 5-17-04)