Sec. 23A-33.2. Minor subdivision platting process.
Minor subdivision platting requirements are established by the Tucson Code, Chapter 23, Land Use Code (LUC), Article IV, Division 2.
   (1)   Application and review. The application and review procedures for minor subdivision applications shall be the same as for final plats, as provided in section 23A-45(2) of this division.
   (2)   Land survey exception. A minor subdivision may be recorded as a land survey instead of a tentative or final plat provided assurances acceptable to the director are provided for any required infrastructure. A subdivider shall have one (1) year to obtain approval and record the survey under the regulations in place at the time of application. Should the one (1) year review period expire prior to the plat being recorded, the review of the project shall be as provided in Article IV of the LUC.
(Ord. No. 9967, § 9, 5-17-04)