(a)    Prior to the end of the one (1) year maintenance period, the developer shall submit a written request to the City's Authorized Agent for acceptance of the public improvements and private improvements in common areas, which are subject to the maintenance guarantee sought to be released to end the one (1) year maintenance period.
   (b)    The City shall prepare a final punch list on the condition of the improvements. The developer shall repair or replace any structure, pavement, drainage, seeding, or any other part of the subdivision or existing facility as identified in the final punch list.
   (c)    Once all punch list items are completed and all deficiencies are corrected, the Director of Public Service and Safety may then release the one (1) year maintenance guarantee if all construction has been made according to all standards and specifications to the satisfaction of the City of Troy.
(Ord. 73-2021. Passed 1-18-22.)