(a)   Any person seeking approval of land development proposals for use types listed in these Subdivision Regulations shall develop and submit a Site Development Plan.
   (b)   The applicant is encouraged to have a pre-submission meeting with the subdivision review staff.
   (c)   Site Development Plan Requirements.
      (1)    Each applicant shall provide information that details the location of the area proposed for development, the site in relation to its general surroundings, predevelopment site conditions, existing characteristics of the site, and the extent of proposed earth disturbing activities. At a minimum the Site Development Plan shall include the following elements:
         A.   A general location map that shows the area proposed for development and pertinent adjacent areas and features.
         B.   A description of the nature and type of the earth disturbing/construction activity (e.g. residential, commercial, highway).
         C.   A photocopy of the appropriate soil survey sheet found in the USDA Soil Survey of Miami County with location of site identified.
         D.   A Site Plan Map that shows the location of existing features and proposed improvements on the site including:
            1.   Total area of the site and the area of the site that is expected to be disturbed (i.e. grubbing, cleaning, excavation, filling or grading, including off-site borrow areas).
            2.   Surface water locations, including springs, wetlands, streams, lakes, or water wells, on or within 200 feet of the site, including the boundaries of wetlands or stream channels and first subsequent named receiving water(s) the permittee intends to fill or relocate for which the permittee is seeking approval from the Army Corps of Engineers or Ohio EPA.
            3.   The general directions of surface water flow and 100-year floodplain, when applicable.
            4.   All improvements, including buildings, retaining walls, sidewalks, streets, parking lots, driveways, utilities and stormwater basins, drainage impoundments, channels, and outlets.
         E.   An estimate of the impervious area and percent of imperviousness created by the earth disturbing activity.
   (d)   Site Development Plan Submission, Review and Action.
      (1)    Submission of a Site Development Plan by an applicant seeking approval initiates the review process.
      (2)    The City's Authorized Agent shall review the Site Development Plan and conduct a site inspection of the proposed site.
      (3)    Review of the Site Development Plan shall be completed within seven (7) working days of submittal.
      (4)    Following review, the City's Authorized Agent shall:
         A.   Approve the Site Development Plan; or
         B.   Conditionally approve the Site Development Plan pending additional information and/or the incorporation of required changes; or
         C.   Reject the Site Development Plan; or
         D.   Require the submission of a Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) based on written findings of the City's Authorized Agent.
            (Ord. 73-2021. Passed 1-18-22.)