(a)    General Statement.
      (1)   Subdivision streets are to be designed to encourage operating speeds of approximately twenty-five (25) miles per hour. If a street has been stubbed to the property to be developed, those streets must be continued into the proposed development from that point. The Planning Commission has the right to accept, deny or require that a road be connected to an existing road if it is deemed to be in the public interest.
      (2)   The City Engineer shall have the authority to modify any engineering or construction detail, whenever required, for the protection of the public interest.
      (3)   Street layouts shall also be in accordance with the applicable Fire Code.
   (b)    Layout Standards.   
       (1)   The street layout pattern of a proposed subdivision shall be in general conformity with a plan for the most advantageous development of adjoining areas and the entire neighborhood. Furthermore, it shall be consistent with the City's adopted Thoroughfare Plan, , shall implement the standards identified in the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan (including the Complete Streets Policy), and City of Troy Construction Standards.
         A.   The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade, construction and location of all streets shall conform to adopted subdivision standards established herein. All street design shall be done in accordance with the current Ohio Department of Transportation Location and Design Manual and the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials Green Book.
         B.   Proposed streets shall be extended to the boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided, unless, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, such extension is not necessary or desirable. Streets shall be in alignment with existing planned or platted streets with which they are to connect.
         C.   Cul-de-sac streets shall generally serve fewer than 30 lots. No subdivision consisting of ten (10) or more acres shall be approved solely with a cul-de-sac street system.
         D.   At access points where vehicles turning to and from the roadway will affect the capacity of the roadway, the developer shall dedicate sufficient right-of-way and construct turning lanes or deceleration lanes as necessary to maintain the capacity of the roadway.
         E.   Access control along major thoroughfares shall be taken into consideration in the design of a subdivision plat.
         F.   The City may require the use of frontage roads to provide access to property adjacent to arterial and collector streets. A frontage road is a subsidiary road running parallel to an arterial or collector street and providing access to properties.
         G.   Residential developments abutting arterials or collectors shall be platted in such a manner as to buffer the impact of the heavily traveled arterial or collector. Fronting lots on arterials or collector streets are discouraged and will generally only be approved if there is some special feature of the land to be subdivided.
         H.   Lots which will require the backs of homes to face a street shall be discouraged. However, such lots may be approved if they are screened from the adjacent street by approximately twelve to eighteen (12 to 18)-foot wide buffer which is not less than four (4) or more than six (6) feet in height.
         I.   Curbs and gutters shall be required in all subdivisions on both sides of each street within the subdivision.
         J.   Sidewalks of not less than five (5) feet in width shall be provided on both sides of all newly dedicated streets. Sidewalk improvements may also be required in all commercial and industrial subdivisions. Curb ramps that comply with all ADA and other Federal and State regulations are to be provided.
         K.   Residential subdivisions that abut existing thoroughfares or collectors shall provide sidewalks along the thoroughfare or collector for the full distance of the development.
         L.   Public access easements shall be required for private streets serving more than one (1) occupant.
         M.   When land is being subdivided along an existing street, the City shall require the developer to widen the street to meet current required pavement widths as specified.
         N.   Temporary dead-end streets shall be permitted where necessitated by the design of the subdivision, provided that a temporary turnaround shall be constructed where lots are fronting on such temporary dead-end streets. In such instances, the turnaround size shall meet applicable Fire Codes.
         O.   The dedication of half or partial streets may not be permitted except when a half or partial street exists adjacent to the tract to be subdivided, and a partial dedication will complete or supplement the existing street or street right-of-way.
   (c)    Intersections.
      (1)   Proposed streets shall intersect one another as nearly at right angles as topography and other factors of good design permit. Interconnecting streets shall be promoted in relatively flat areas and in all areas adjacent to neighborhoods already exhibiting such a street system.
      (2)   Curb lines at intersections shall be rounded to a minimum radius of twenty-five (25) feet, and property lines at intersections to a minimum radius of fifteen (15) feet.
      (3)   The approach to an intersection shall be perpendicular to the intersected street for a distance of not less than 100 feet from the centerline of the intersected street.
      (4)   Offset streets of less than 125 feet from centerline to centerline shall not be permitted.
   (d)    All street identification signs required by the City shall be installed by the City. Street name signs shall be located and erected of a type of material meeting the standard specifications found in the OMUTCD.
   (e)   Dual access on residential lots shall not be permitted, unless approved otherwise for non-typical development.
(Ord. 73-2021. Passed 1-18-22.)