The following definitions shall be applicable to this chapter:
   (a)   "Vendor" means any person who sells or offers for sale and immediate delivery, goods, merchandise, property or services of any kind or description, other than from a fixed and established place of business; any person who solicits orders by personal contact for sale and future delivery of goods, merchandise, property or services of any kind or description; any person who establishes a fixed place of business for a period of less than sixty (60) days for the sale and either immediate or future delivery of goods, merchandise, property or services of any kind or description.
      (b)    "Person" means any person, firm, corporation or entity.
      (c)    "Clear and present danger" means that state of facts which indicates that the licensee has been convicted of either a felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or has a record of similar or more serious consequences.
     (d)    "Mobile Food Vehicle" means a self-contained, motor vehicle in which pre-packaged food (including frozen desserts and non-alcoholic drinks) and/or ready-to-eat food (including frozen desserts and non-alcoholic drink) is wrapped, packaged, processed, cooked or dispensed, for retail sale therefrom.
      (e)    "Vendor's License" means the annual license issued by the City of Troy to permit a person or company to engage in the business or activity of a Vendor within the City of Troy.
      (f)    "Mobile Food Vehicle Registration" means the annual registration issued by the City of Troy to a Vendor permitting operation of a Mobile Food Vehicle within the City of Troy.
      (g)    "Vehicle" means everything on wheels or runners, including motorized bicycles, but does not mean electric personal assistive mobility devices, vehicles that are operated exclusively on rails or tracks or from overhead electric trolley wires, and vehicles that belong to any police department, municipal fire department, or volunteer fire department, or that are used by such a department in the discharge of its functions.
   (h)   "Motor vehicle' means any vehicle that is propelled or drawn by power other than muscular power or power collected from overhead electric trolley wires. "Motor vehicle" does not include utility vehicles as defined in division (VV) of Ohio R.C. 4501.01, motorized bicycles, road rollers, traction engines, power shovels, power cranes, and other equipment used in construction work and not designed for or employed in general highway transportation, well-drilling machinery, ditch-digging machinery, farm machinery, and trailers that are designed and used exclusively to transport a boat between a place of storage and a marina, or in and around a marina, when drawn or towed on a public road or highway for a distance of no more than ten (10) miles and at a speed of twenty-five (25) miles per hour or less.
      (Ord. 14-2022. Passed 4-18-22.)