Exterior lighting shall meet one of the following standards:
   (a)   Luminares with No Cutoff:
      (1)   Residential Properties:
         A.   Maximum permitted height of fifteen (15) feet.
         B.   Maximum permitted illumination of two-tenths (0.20) foot-candle.
      (2)   Non-residential properties:
         A.   Maximum permitted height of luminaire of twenty (20) feet.
         B.   Maximum permitted illumination of three-tenths (0.30) foot-candle.
   (b)   Luminaries With Total Cutoff Angle Greater Than Ninety (90) Degrees:   
      (1)   Residential Properties:
         A.   Maximum permitted height of luminaire of twenty (20) feet.
         B.   Maximum permitted illumination of five-tenths (0.50) foot-candle.
      (2)   Non-residential Properties:
         A.   Maximum permitted height of luminaire of forty (40) feet.
         B.   Maximum permitted illumination of two (2.0) foot-candles.
   (c)   Luminaries with Total Cutoff of Angle Less Than Ninety (90) Degrees. Luminaries with a total cutoff of angle less than ninety (90) degrees and located so the bare light bulb, lamp, or light source is completely shielded from the direct view of an observer five (5) feet above ground at the point where the cutoff angle intersects the ground, then the maximum permitted illumination and the maximum permitted height of the luminaire shall be as follows:
      (1)   Residential Properties:
         A.   Maximum permitted height of luminaire of twenty-five (25) feet.
         B.   Maximum permitted illumination of one (1.0) foot-candle.
      (2)   Nonresidential Properties:
         A.   Maximum permitted height of luminaire of fifty (50) feet.
         B.   Maximum illumination of four (4.0) foot-candles.
   (d)   Requirements for Stadiums. Because of their unique requirements for providing greater night-time visibility, their need to ensure public safety, and their limited hours of operation; stadiums (which include ball diamonds, playing fields, and tennis courts) are exempted from the exterior lighting standards as specified in (a), (b), and (c) above. A lighting plan for stadiums shall be established at the time that the request for exterior lighting is made. Each lighting plan shall take into consideration the follow standards:
      (1)   The height of the stadium light shall be the minimum height necessary to provide thirty (30) foot-candles of illumination on the playing surface, but shall not exceed one hundred (100) feet in height. The height of the stadium light may be increased if the resulting illumination will reduce glare and spillover illumination.
      (2)   The distance from any adjacent residential property to the stadium light pole shall be at least one and one half (1 1/2) the height of the luminaire. Public rights-of-way which fall between a stadium light and adjacent residential property may be used to calculate this minimum distance.
      (3)   To the maximum extent possible, existing mature vegetation shall be maintained to screen residential properties from affects of stadium lighting.