(a)   The following shall be exempt from the provisions of Section 1157.04, Table I, between the hours or 7:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M. only:
      (1)   Sounds created by the discharge of firearms on authorized shooting ranges.
      (2)   Sounds created by blasting.
      (3)   Sounds created by the installation of utility services.
      (4)   Sounds originating from temporary construction sites as a result of construction activity.
      (5)   Sounds created by firearms in the course of hunting.
   (b)   The following shall be exempt from the provisions of Section 1157.04, Tables I and II, at all times:
      (1)   Sounds created by motor vehicles operated on public roads and highways.
      (2)   Sounds originating from aircraft in flight and sounds that originate at airports which are directly related to flight operations.
      (3)   Sounds created by surface carriers engaged in interstate commerce by railroad.
      (4)   Sounds created by warning devices not operating continuously for more than five minutes, or bells, chimes, and carillons.
      (5)   Sounds created by safety and protective devices where noise suppression would defeat the intent of the device or is not economically feasible.
      (6)   Sounds created by emergency equipment and work necessary in the interests of law enforcement or for health, safety or welfare of the community.
      (7)   Sounds created by the repair of essential utility services.
      (8)   Sounds originating from officially sanctioned parades and other public events.
      (9)   Sounds emitted from venting at industrial process facilities during startup only, provided that the startup operation is performed during daytime hours whenever possible.