Any new or altered use which requires site plan review and has an outdoor trash storage area shall comply with the following requirements:
   (a)   Any such area shall be limited to normal refuse that is collected on a regular basis and shall be maintained in a neat, orderly, sanitary condition.
   (b)   In no instance shall any such refuse be visible above the required enclosure.
   (c)   A decorative masonry wall made of similar materials as the principal structure, having a minimum of six (6) feet but no higher than eight (8) feet in height which shall enclose three (3) sides of the storage area. Bollards and/or other protective devices shall be installed at the opening and to the rear of the storage area to prevent damage to the screening walls. The surface under any such storage area shall be constructed of concrete, complete with footers, and shall comply with all local building requirements.
   (d)   Any such storage area shall be located only in a rear yard and be so located and arranged as to minimize its visibility from adjacent streets and uses. An obscuring gate, which locks, shall be required.
   (e)   Utilities Areas. Utilities areas containing trash bins, HVAC units, propane tanks, electrical equipment, material storage, and other similar items shall be screened by using a wall, hedge, or other durable landscape barrier of sufficient height and density to prevent direct view from street(s) directly adjoining the property.