1147.01 PURPOSE.
   (a)   Recognition of Nonconformities. The districts established by this Zoning Code constitute the proper location for the specific enumerated uses, buildings, and other structures permitted therein. Within such districts, however, there exist nonconformities that were lawful prior to the most current update of the Zoning Code, but that would be prohibited under the terms of this Zoning Code. Future amendments to this Zoning Code may be expected to create additional nonconformities.
   (b)   Continuance of Nonconformities. The legitimate interests of those who lawfully established these nonconformities are recognized in this Zoning Code by permitting such nonconformities to continue, subject to regulations for and limitations upon their completion, restoration, reconstruction, extension, and substitution. It is recognized, however, that nonconformities substantially and adversely affect the orderly development, maintenance, use, and taxable value of other property in the district, property that is itself subject to the regulations of this Zoning Code. In order to secure eventual compliance with the standards of this Zoning Code, it is therefore necessary to regulate nonconformities strictly and to prevent the re-establishment of nonconformities that have been discontinued.
   (c)   Classes of Nonconformities. Accordingly, the following sections divide nonconformities into three (3) classes and provide appropriate regulations for each class. These classes are:
      (1)   Vacant lots smaller than the minimum required by the Zoning Code;
      (2)   Buildings that comply with the use regulations of this Zoning Code but not with lot size or building bulk limitations; and
      (3)   Buildings and use which do not comply with the use regulations of Section 1147.05 of this Zoning Code.