(a) Each application for a zoning permit shall be made on forms provided by the City and shall be accompanied by a plan in duplicate drawn to scale. The plan shall show the following:
(1) The actual dimensions of the lot including easements;
(2) The exact size and location of all buildings existing on the lot;
(3) The proposed new construction plot plan, which shall include the following:
A. A scale drawing in duplicate with north indication arrow;
B. Shape and dimensions of the lot, including the square footage;
C. All drainage, utility easements, and building setbacks including a legend. A legend listing what the abbreviated letters stand for (Example: B.S. = building setback; U.E. = utility easement; D.E.= drainage easement);
D. Building setback lines, including distance of structure from back of curb;
E. The relative difference of elevation between the curb and the top of the foundation;
F. Information on the final grading, (arrows), which shows the disposal of surface drainage in the vicinity of the structure;
G. All drives shall either slope away from the final garage floor elevation of the structure at a rate of 1/2-inch per foot or, if elevations prohibit sloping away, positive drainage shall be allowed, provided appropriate drainage away from the structure is included;
H. Lot number, subdivision name, section, town, range, city, county and state;
I. All existing structures located on the property and including distances from these structures to existing property lines. Example: pools, sheds, decks, fences, detached garages; and
J. Name of street and label right-of-way distance;
(4) The existing and intended use of all parts of the land or buildings;
(5) Such other information with regard to the lot and neighboring lots as may be necessary to determine and provide for the enforcement of this Zoning Code.
(b) The Zoning Administrator may require the plan to be prepared and signed by a registered architect, engineer, surveyor or other licensed professional.