(a)   Removal of Obsolete Signs. Thirty (30) days after becoming an obsolete sign, the face of the sign shall be removed or reversed. Six (6) months after becoming an obsolete sign, all obsolete signs shall be taken down and removed, including all legible parts of the sign structure, or in the case of painted wall signs, painted over to obliterate the obsolete message. This shall be accomplished by the owner of the property upon which such sign is located. After written citation and notice from the Zoning Administrator, and failure by such sign owner or property owner to comply with such notice within fourteen (14) days, the Zoning Administrator is authorized to cause removal of the sign and/or sign structure, and any expense incident thereto shall be paid by the owner of the property upon which such sign is located.
   (b)   Unsafe or Illegal Signs. If the Zoning Administrator or designee finds that any sign or structure regulated herein is unsafe or illegal, written notice or citation shall be given to the owner of the property upon which the sign is located, noting such violation of this Sign Code and time specified to remedy such violation. If the property owner fails to remove the sign, repair the sign, or obtain required permits so as to comply with the requirements set forth in the citation or notice, the Zoning Administrator is authorized to cause removal of the sign and any expense incidental thereto shall be paid by the owner of the property upon which the sign is located. Each day such violation or failure to comply is continued after notification thereof shall constitute a separate offense.
   (c)   Temporary Signs with Lapsed Permits. All temporary signs that were constructed, painted, installed, or maintained in conformance with a temporary sign permit under this Sign Code, and such permit has lapsed and has not been renewed, shall be forthwith removed by the owner of the property on which such sign is located. Upon failure of the owner to remove such signs, the Zoning Administrator may cause removal of such signs after issuing forty-eight (48) hour notice to such owner and any expense incident thereto shall be paid by the owner of the property upon which such sign is located.
   (d)   Signs with No Permits. Except as otherwise provided herein, the owner of any zoning lot or other premises on which exists a sign for which there is no valid sign permit shall be obligated to remove such sign or bring it into conformity with the requirements of this Sign Code. (Ord. 7-2009. Passed 2-2-09.)