(a)   Provisions for Continuance. Any non-conforming sign may continue. However, such non-conforming sign shall lose its non-conforming status and must be brought into compliance with this Sign Code or be removed if any of the following occur:
      (1)   The sign is altered in any way in structure or size.
      (2)   The sign is relocated.
      (3)   The sign is replaced.
      (4)   The sign becomes an obsolete sign for more than one hundred eighty-three (183) days.
      (5)   The sign is damaged to an extent of greater than fifty percent (50%) of the estimated replacement value.
      (6)   The sign creates a hazard to vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
   (b)   Illegal Signs Not Non-conforming Signs. Any sign not lawfully existing prior to the enactment of this Sign Code and which could not be erected in accordance with the provisions of this Sign Code shall not be deemed to attain any legal status by the enactment of this Sign Code.
(Ord. 7-2009. Passed 2-2-09.)