(a)   Required Conformance. No person shall erect, place, establish, paint, or retain any sign, or cause a sign to be located or retained within the City of Troy unless all provisions of this Sign Code have been met.
   (b)   Permit Required. To ensure compliance with the provisions of this Sign Code, a sign permit shall be required for each sign unless specifically exempted by this Sign Code.
   (c)   Permit Required for Alteration. A sign initially approved for which a permit has been issued shall not be modified, relocated, altered, or replaced, nor shall design elements of any building or lot upon which such sign is maintained be modified, relocated, altered, or replaced if any such design element constituted a basis for approval of such sign unless an amended or new permit is obtained consistent with these regulations.
   (d)   Specific Situations Requiring Sign Permit. The following specific situations shall require a sign permit:
      (1)   Installation of a new sign.
      (2)   A change of the face of a sign.
      (3)   Moving or enlarging of a sign.
   (e)   Specific Situations Not Requiring Sign Permit. The following specific situations shall not require a sign permit.
      (1)   The repainting, repairing, changing of parts and preventive maintenance of signs.
      (2)   A change in the message on a changeable copy sign.
      (3)   Repainting of supports and sign area provided no change in sign message.
   (f)   Expiration of Sign Permit. Any sign permit shall expire if the sign for which the permit has been issued is not fully constructed within one hundred eighty-three (183) days from the date of issuance of the permit.
   (g)   Lapse of Sign Permit. A sign permit shall lapse automatically if the zoning permit for the premises lapses, is revoked, or is not renewed. A sign permit shall also lapse if the activity on the premises for which the sign permit was issued is discontinued for a period of one hundred eighty-three (183) days or more.
(Ord. 7-2009. Passed 2-2-09.)