The Director of Public Service and Safety shall appoint a Superintendent of Cemeteries, who shall have control and management of City cemeteries, and of the maintenance and improvement of the grounds. He shall have such powers and duties as are prescribed by law and the ordinances of the City.
   (a)    He shall keep the grounds, walks and drives in order and free from obstructions.
   (b)    He shall have charge of all interments, or other disposition of dead bodies, made in the cemeteries and shall hire and supervise all labor.
   (c)    He shall enforce the provisions of this chapter and of all regulations adopted by Council for the government of the cemeteries, and for that purpose shall be qualified to act in the capacity of a peace officer and to make arrests for violations of any ordinance or regulation in the cemeteries.
   (d)    He shall require the exhibition to him of a properly executed burial permit before allowing any interment to take place in the cemeteries.
   (e)    He shall have charge of the digging of all graves in the cemeteries. Every grave for an adult shall be at least four feet six inches deep and for a child at least two feet deep.
   (f)    He shall keep a complete record of the ownership of all lots in the cemeteries, and for this purpose it shall be the duty of every purchaser of such a lot, either directly from the City or from a person who has previously bought from the City, to submit the original conveyance by which he claims title to such lot to the Superintendent of Cemeteries.
   (g)    He shall keep a record of all interments in the cemeteries, showing the exact location of every grave, the name, sex, age, time, place and cause of death of the person buried therein, and the date of burial.
   (h)    He shall prevent any burial in any lot until the City shall have been paid or secured to be paid for the lot, and he shall also prevent the interment of any body in any lot without the consent of the person recorded as owner of such lot in his records and may require such consent to be in writing.
   (i)    He shall not permit any box burials except infants in a restricted area.
      (Ord. 28-60. Passed 10-3-60.)
   (j)    He shall be responsible for establishing rules regulating the use of flowers and other decorations in the cemeteries.
      (Ord. 16-80. Passed 5-19-80.)