(A)   The City Council shall be the legislative branch of the city government and shall perform duties and have powers as may be authorized by state law.
   (B)   In addition, each Alderman shall:
      (1)   Act as the representative of the people of the ward from which elected;
      (2)   Act as chairperson of the standing committee or committees on which the Mayor has appointed him or her chairperson. As chairperson, he or she shall hold open and public meetings of his or her committee, after having first given the public notice thereof required by the Illinois Open Meetings Act, being ILCS Ch. 5, Act 120, §§ 1 et seq., whenever business is before his or her committee. He or she shall cause minutes of the meetings to be kept and filed with the City Clerk, to allow public inspection thereof, within seven days after his or her committee approval of the minutes of those meetings. He or she shall present to the City Council, either verbally or in writing, the conclusions of his or her committee;
      (3)   Be an active participant on all other committees as assigned by the Mayor; and
      (4)   Make motions, second motions and vote so that the city’s general business can be brought before the City Council and action taken. The Aldermen shall cast their votes in the alphabetical order of their surnames.
(1986 Code, § 2-77)