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   (A)   Required submittals. Considering the information and decisions provided by the city at the pre-application conference, the subdivider/developer shall determine if he or she intends to proceed with the proposed development and if so, shall submit a preliminary plat and all associated documents to the Building and Zoning Department, including but not necessarily limited to:
      (1)   A cover letter requesting review and approval of the preliminary plat and including a legal description of the entire tract of land to be subdivided;
      (2)   A preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision;
      (3)   A completed "Preliminary Plat Checklist,” signed by both the developer and his or her engineer who prepared the preliminary plat;
      (4)   Copy of all deed restrictions and covenants;
      (5)   Signed statements from the Madison County “9-1-1” Coordinator approving the street addresses;
      (6)   A written report by a licensed professional engineer discussing the infrastructure proposed and the manner in which site constraints are to be dealt with including flood hazard areas, requirements for IDNR/OWR floodway construction of dam safety permits, requirements for Section 404 permit, requirement through IDOT, archaeological sign off by the required public agencies, and traffic assessment study;
      (7)   Evidence that cultural resources sign off has been requested from the State of Illinois Department of Historical Sites and endangered species sign off has been requested from the Department of Natural Resources;
      (8)   Maintenance plan and operation report for proposed stormwater lake or detention facility, including preliminary drainage computations.
      (9)   Opinion of probable costs of public improvements prepared by a licensed professional engineer; and
      (10)   A check made payable to the city in the amount stipulated for filing of a preliminary plat, as set forth in § 153.120.
   (B)   Preliminary plat. Every preliminary plat shall be prepared by a land surveyor registered in the state at any scale necessary for clarity, preferably no smaller than one inch equals 100 feet, provided the resultant drawing does not exceed 30 inches by 36 inches. The preliminary plat, together with supporting data, shall provide at least the following information:
      (1)   Identification as a “preliminary plat” and name of the proposed subdivision;
      (2)   The names and addresses of the owner, subdivider/developer (if not the owner), and registered land surveyor who prepared the plat;
      (3)   Identification of the section and quarter section or claim and survey, township, range and county within which the proposed subdivision is located;
      (4)   North arrow, graphic scale and date;
      (5)   Location and boundary of the proposed subdivision showing dimensions, bearings, angles, and references to known land lines;
      (6)   All lot lines adjacent to and abutting the subdivision;
      (7)   Building or setback lines with accurate dimensions;
      (8)   Dimensions of the boundary and the gross and net acreage area of the proposed subdivision; the acreage of street right of way; the acreage of any areas reserved for the common use of the property owners within the subdivision and/or for public use; and the gross acreage reserved for green space, the net acreages for active green space and net acreage for passive green space;
      (9)   Zoning district classification of the tract to be subdivided and all property within 100 feet of the tract to be subdivided;
      (10)   Locations, dimensions and areas in square feet of all existing or proposed lots within the subdivision, identified by lot number;
      (11)   Locations, dimensions and areas of any parcels to be reserved for parks, playgrounds, bike paths or other public purposes;
      (12)   Locations of features such as bodies of water, ponding areas, natural drainage ways, wooded areas, railroads, cemeteries, bridges, parks and schools, within or adjacent to the tract to be developed;
      (13)   Names of streets, locations, and right-of-way widths of all existing and proposed streets and alleys including pavement lines, widths, approximate gradients, roadway intersection angles, centerline radii, types of pavement, curbs, sidewalks, crosswalks, planning strips, and other pertinent data;
      (14)   Locations, widths and purposes of all existing and proposed easements including cross access, utilities, water and sewer, drainage, access to proposed greens paces;
      (15)   Topography of the tract to be subdivided, and a minimum of 100 outside the tract, as indicated by one-foot contours for land having slopes of 0% to 4%; two-foot contours for land having slopes of 4% to 12%; and five-foot contours for land having slopes of greater than 12%;
      (16)   Any proposed alteration or grading, adjustment or change in elevation or topography, or disturbance of existing vegetation of any area;
      (17)   Locations and directions of flow of existing major waterways, natural drainageways and ponding areas;
      (18)   Drainage map showing size and extent of existing watersheds and outlets; proposed subwatersheds and their outlets; detention storage basins and facilties with indications of future responsibility for maintenance and the conveyance areas;
      (19)   Floodplain and floodway limits mapped based on current FEMA FIRM and floodway maps and referencing recent hydraulic studies if applicable;
      (20)   Proposed and existing catch basins, storm sewers, drainageways and drainage retention or detention basins, with arrows indicating the proposed direction of drainage flow, including approximate lengths and sizes for storm sewers;
      (21)   Existing and proposed detention basins and flood hazard areas with supporting information and calculations;
      (22)   Location and approximate lengths and sizes of existing and proposed sanitary sewer mains including manholes;
      (23)   Location and size of existing and proposed water mains (with static pressure), including hydrants (with flow test data) and valves;
      (24)   Locations, types, and approximate sizes of all other existing and proposed utilities; and
      (25)   Geotechnical investigation showing any test results to ascertain subsurface rock and soil conditions and the water table, and a report addressing soil types referencing the “Soil Survey of Madison County.” Minimum of two tests in detention storage basins and one per every five acres, unless a higher frequency is recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer.
   (C)   Submission timeframe. In order to be considered for final action, the developer or subdivider shall submit the preliminary plat and supporting information to the Code Administrator at least 14 days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission, in order to be considered for the agenda of the meeting.
   (D)   Notification. The Building and Zoning Department shall promptly notify the Chairperson and members of the Planning Commission of the submission, and make copies of the preliminary plat available for their review prior to the scheduled meeting.
(Ord. 2009-21, § 18.5-4-16, passed 10-5-2009; Am. Ord. 2016-29, passed 11-7-2016)