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   All streets under the jurisdiction of the city shall be classified by the city and the classification shall determine the standards to which the streets must be constructed. If the proper classification of any street is unknown, or if a new street is proposed for construction, the city shall review the existing or proposed street and thereafter establish a classification using the criteria listed in § 153.008 for local, collector, and arterial streets, or according to the city’s “Future Land-Use Plan.”
   (A)   The design of all streets within any subdivision shall be according to the policies outlined in the IDOT Bureau of Local Roads and Street Manual and properly integrated with the city’s street system.
   (B)   Measurement of pavement width for streets shall be made from back-to-back of the curbs. Measurement of pavement width for alleys, where curbs are not required, shall be from edge to edge.
   Minimum right-of-way width
80 feet
   Minimum pavement width
31 to 51 feet (depending on required options)
Collector (Commercial)
   Minimum right-of-way width
70 feet
   Minimum pavement width
41 to 46 feet (depending on required options)
Collector (Residential)
   Minimum right-of-way width
60 feet
   Minimum pavement width
36 feet
Local (Commercial)
   Minimum right-of-way width
60 feet
   Minimum pavement width
34 feet
Local (Residential)
   Minimum right-of-way width
50 feet
   Minimum pavement width
32 feet
Local (Residential - R-1E)
   Minimum right-of-way width
50 feet
   Minimum pavement width
20 feet with 2 foot gravel shoulders
   Minimum right-of-way width
25 feet
   Minimum pavement width
18 feet
   (C)   Profile Grade. Grades of streets shall conform as closely as possible to the natural topography and be between 0.5% (min.) and 8.0% (max). Building sites shall be at least one foot above street grade.
   (D)   Lane cross-slope. The transverse slope across the driving lanes shall be 1.5% minimum to 2.0% maximum.
   (E)   Design speed. Arterials shall be designed using a design speed of 45 mph. Commercial collectors shall use a design speed of 40 mph. All other streets will be posted 30 mph.
   (F)   All streets shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete or hot mix asphalt pavement. The developer may select the pavement type for the City Engineer’s approval.
   (G)   Construction Specifications. Work shall be completed according to the following sections in the IDOT standard specifications, unless otherwise directed by the City Engineer. Other sections may apply.
      (1)   Section 407 for hot-mix asphalt pavement.
      (2)   Section 420 for Portland cement concrete pavement.
      (3)   Section 424 for Portland cement concrete sidewalk.
      (4)   Section 606 for concrete gutters, curbs, and medians.
   (H)   Alleys may be provided in single-family residential districts at the option of the developer, but may be required in other districts in the absence of other provisions for service access.
      (1)   When provided, alleys shall not intersect with each other or change sharply in alignment.
      (2)   Adequate vehicular turnaround space shall be provided at the terminus of every dead-end alley.
(Ord. 2009-21, §18.5-3-16, passed 10-5-2009; Am. Ord. 2016-29, passed 11-7-2016; Am. Ord. 2020-15, passed 6-15-2020)