§ 53.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99 of this code of ordinances.
   (B)   The violation of any provisions of §§ 53.01 through 53.05 shall be unlawful and shall constitute a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punishable in accordance with G.S. § 14-4.
(Prior Code, § 20-24)
   (C)   Any act constituting a violation of the provisions of §§ 53.20 through 53.22 or a failure to comply with any of its requirements shall subject the offender to a civil penalty of $250 per violation. If the offender fails to pay this penalty within ten days after being cited for a violation, the penalty may be recovered by the town in a civil action in the nature of debt.
      (1)   These provisions may also be enforced by any appropriate equitable action. Such remedy may include a court order of abatement as part of the judgment in the case. The abatement order may include removal of debris from illegal landfills, covering of debris with clean dirt, and other actions required to make the property and property owner to comply with the provisions herein at the owner’s expense.
      (2)   Each day that any violation continues after initial notification that such violation exists may be considered a separate offense for purposes of the penalties and remedies specified by §§ 53.20 through 53.22.
      (3)   Any one, all, or combination of the penalties and remedies described herein may be used to enforce §§ 53.20 through 53.22. In addition to such enforcement provisions, these provisions may be enforced by any remedy of injunction.
(Prior Code, § 20-59) (Ord. 9-85, passed 5-21-1985; Ord. 02-11, passed 1-13-2011; Ord. 07-12, passed 3-9-2012)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see G.S. § 14-4