Every sign shall be designed, erected, altered, reconstructed, moved and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this section unless specifically modified by another section of this subchapter.
   (a)   Automatic Teller Machine Signs (ATMs). Automatic teller machines or similar devices either attached to a primary structure or enclosed within an independent free standing structure shall be permitted two square feet of sign area for every one foot width of the ATM structure not to exceed 20 square feet of total sign area.
   (b)   Awning Signs. Awning signs may be displayed in lieu of but not in addition to a wall sign for an individual establishment.
      (1)   If illuminated, such awning shall have lighting concealed from view.
      (2)   An awning sign shall not project higher than the top of the awning to which sign text is affixed.
(c)   Changeable Copy Area.
      (1)   Permanent ground signs located in “B” Districts as well as permitted conditional uses in agricultural and residential districts may incorporate up to 50% of total sign area for changeable copy.
      (2)   Changeable copy may be used in lieu of but not in addition to electronic copy.
      (3)   All changeable copy signs must be enclosed and locked securely in a clear glass or plastic casing.
   (d)   Commercial messages. All commercial information conveyed by any sign permitted under this subchapter must pertain to the premises on which the sign is located.
   (e)   Dangerous or Defective Signs Not Permitted. A sign in dangerous or defective condition shall not be permitted on any premises. Any such sign constitutes a nuisance and shall be removed or repaired as required under 1185.14( B)
   (f)   Electronic Copy Signs.
      (1)   Freestanding permanent ground signs located in Business and Commercial Districts may incorporate 25% of total sign area for electronic copy with a maximum letter copy of 18 inches in height.
      (2)   Electronic copy may be used in lieu of but not in addition to changeable copy.
      (3)   Electronic display shall remain constant for a period not less than two and not more than ten seconds per message.
   (g)   Ground Signs.
(1)   General.
         A.   Any temporary ground sign or any part thereof shall be set back a minimum distance of 15 feet from the edge of an adjacent roadway pavement. Additional setback may be required to avoid placement within the public right-of-way.
         B.   A permanent ground sign or any part thereof shall be set back a minimum distance of five feet from any right-of-way or from any proposed right-of-way or as otherwise required in this subchapter. Greater setbacks for temporary or permanent signs may be required to improve sight distances at intersections. All ground signs must be located only in the front yard unless otherwise expressly permitted by this subchapter. In no instance may a ground sign be located closer than 15 feet from the edge of roadway pavement.
         C.   The Zoning Administrator may permit slight variation from the minimum street frontage spacing requirements for ground signs applicable in individual zoning districts if conflict with driveways, natural barriers, trees, and utility equipment is unavoidable.
      (2)   Minimum street frontage. Permanent ground signs shall be prohibited on parcels with street frontage less than 50 feet in width at the right-of-way line unless otherwise expressly permitted in this sign code.
      (3)   Landscaping requirements. A permanent ground sign shall require a single continuous landscaped area to be maintained around the base of the sign in accordance with the following standards:
         A.   The minimum landscaped area shall be equal to the total sign area of the sign. (See Appendix: SIGN FIGURES AND TABLES)
         B.   The landscaped area shall include all points where sign structural supports attach to the ground and are visible.
         C.   Where the required landscaped area is adjacent to a paved surface accessible to vehicular traffic, a raised non-mountable curb suitable to prevent the encroachment of vehicles into the landscaped area shall be required. The minimum distance between the face of any such required curb and any part of the sign shall be 30 inches.
         D.   The landscaped area shall include one or more of the following plant materials: shrubs, trees, grass and/or seasonal varieties permanently located and properly maintained with dead vegetation replaced as soon as weather permits. The use of exposed concrete, asphalt or any other paved surface inside the required landscaped area beneath the sign is prohibited.
      (4)   Construction sites. During construction of a commercial or residential development, one free-standing temporary ground-mounted sign shall be permitted to be installed on the site of the commercial or residential development. The sign shall be single-faced, have a maximum height of eight feet and not exceed 32 square feet in sign area. Minimum setback for the sign shall be 15 feet from the public right-of-way.
      (5)   Property for Sale of Lease. One free-standing temporary ground-mounted sign per street frontage shall be permitted to be displayed on the site of any multi-family, commercial, office or industrial development during any occasion when the property is offered for sale or lease. The sign shall be single-faced, have a maximum height of eight feet and not exceed 32 square feet in area. Minimum setback for the sign shall be 15 feet from the public right-of-way.
   (h)   Major Development Signs. Commercial and Industrial Developments in excess of ten acres in area, and shopping centers of more than five acres in area located in R-B and L-I districts, fronting on an expressway, principal arterial, major arterial, minor arterial or thoroughfare roadway shall be permitted one permanent freestanding pylon sign per street frontage up to a maximum of two permanent pylon signs per development. Any such major development sign should be located at or adjacent to the primary access street to the development and must comply with the following:
      (1)   Shall not exceed 100 square feet of sign area per face with a maximum of two sign faces permitted per sign. A second major development sign where permitted may not exceed 75 square feet of sign area per sign face.
      (2)   Shall not exceed 20 feet in height.
      (3)   Shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the right-of-way.
      (4)   Shall be an on-premise sign only.
      (5)   Shall have the area of a pylon sign based on one-fifth square foot of sign area for each linear foot of highway, arterial, major arterial or thoroughfare frontage.
      (6)   Shall not be located nearer than 100 feet to an adjoining development or unrelated premise or property line on same side of street.
      (7)   Shall have landscaping conforming to requirements of 1185.05 (G)(3) dealing with ground signs.
(i)   Marquee Signs.
      (1)   Marquee signs may be displayed in lieu of but not in addition to any other form of permanent sign identification with the exception of under marquee signs for an individual business establishment.
      (2)   If illuminated, such marquee signs shall have lighting concealed from view.
(j)   Neon Signs.
      (1)   Neon signs shall be permitted in business districts only.
      (2)   Neon signs may be displayed in lieu of, but not in addition to, a wall sign for an individual establishment.
   (k)   Number of Signs Permitted. An individual establishment shall be permitted a maximum of three types of permanent sign identification unless otherwise permitted or prohibited in this subchapter.
   (l)   Planned Unit Development Sign Programs. Signs which have been approved as part of a Planned Unit Development sign program may vary from the requirements stated within this subchapter. Variations permitted through a PUD sign program may include but are not limited to the following:
(1)   Total number of signs permitted,
(2)   Sign size,
(3)   Sign setback,
(4)   Sign height,
(5)   Material composition of sign, and:
      (6)   Percentage of sign area devoted to changeable copy or electronic copy.
Such deviations are recognized to be primarily for safety or unique parcel configuration circumstances and are not intended to circumvent the intent of the sign code.
(m)   Sign Location with Respect to Street and Building Frontages.
      (1)   All signs permitted by virtue of a premises having street frontage or building frontage shall be located only along the front of the structure or property visible from the fronting roadway or from the adjacent parking lot.
      (2)   In the case where an individual occupant would have no building frontage, the maximum horizontal width of the portion of the building where that occupant's main entrance is located shall be considered that occupant's separate and distinct building frontage. In the case where the ground floor of a building is occupied by two or more different tenants, the portion of the building frontage occupied by each tenant shall be considered a separate and distinct building frontage.
   (n)   under Marquee Signs. Under marquee signs shall be mounted as nearly as possible to right angles of the building face.
   (o)   Wall Signs.
      (1)   May be displayed in lieu of, but not in addition to, an awning sign or neon sign for an individual establishment.
      (2)   Shall not project more than 18 inches from the wall of the building upon which they are mounted.
      (3)   Shall be inclined from the vertical only to the extent necessary for conformity to the general contour of the wall to which the sign is mounted.
      (4)   Shall not extend above the top of the wall and shall not extend beyond the limits of any wall to which they are attached.
      (5)   Shall not mask or interrupt a major architectural feature (such as, but not limited to, doors, windows, or trim).
      (6)   Shall have hidden structural supports and shall be mounted in such a way as to not allow movement by atmospheric conditions.
      (7)   If illuminated, such lighting shall not produce glare and all lighting elements, including wiring, shall be concealed from view.
      (8)   Any wall sign consisting of paper, cardboard, fabric or any other impermanent material shall be considered a temporary sign and shall be regulated according to the provisions and requirements of Section 1185.06.
         (Ord. 45-08. Passed 12-15-08.)