(a)   In the interest of promoting unified access and circulation systems, development sites under the same ownership or consolidated for the purposes of development and comprised of more than 1 building site shall be considered unified parcels for the purposes of compliance with these access management requirements. This shall also apply to phased development plans when site plan reviews or subdivision plats are required. Accordingly, the following requirements shall apply:
      (1)   The number of access connections permitted shall be the minimum number necessary to provide reasonable access to the overall site and not the maximum available for that frontage.
      (2)   All easements and agreements required under this Chapter shall be provided.
      (3)   Access to outparcels shall be internalized using the shared circulation system and designed to avoid excessive movement across parking aisles or queuing across surrounding parking and driving aisles.
   (b)   Where abutting properties are in different ownership and not part of an overall development plan, cooperation between the various owners in development of a unified access and circulation system shall be sought. The cross access requirements set forth in Section 1270.04 shall be provided for in anticipation of future adjacent development and change of use projects. However, only the building site(s) under consideration for development approval shall be subject to the requirements of this Section at the time of review. Abutting properties shall be required to provide unified access and circulation along with connection to cross access easements when an event listed in Section 1270.02 initiates the applicability of these access management regulations.
(Ord. 01-2018. Passed 1-18-18.)