(A) Purpose. The following regulations are provided to maintain the attractiveness and orderliness of the appearance of the village and to protect the public safety.
(B) Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ADVERTISING SIGN. Any sign, including the supporting structure, which directs attention to a business, service or activity not conducted upon the premises, or a product not offered or sold upon the premises where such a sign is located.
ATTACHED SIGN. A sign permanently affixed to the exterior surface of a building. No ATTACHED SIGN shall project further than 12 inches from the building.
BACK-TO-BACK SIGN. A structure with two parallel and directly opposite signs with their faces oriented to opposite directions. BACK-TO-BACK SIGNS may be separated by not more than one foot. A BACK-TO-BACK SIGN shall constitute one sign.
BUSINESS SIGN. A sign, including any supporting or framing structure, which directs attention to a business or profession conducted upon the premises or to a commodity, service or entertainment sold or offered upon the premises on which the sign is located.
CONSTRUCTION SIGN. A temporary sign used in connection with a definite construction site.
DIRECTIONAL SIGN. An on-premises sign giving directions, which may contain the name or logo of an establishment, but not contain any advertising copy.
FREE-STANDING SIGN. Any sign permanently erected on a free-standing framework supported and affixed by one or more uprights or braces in or upon the ground.
ILLUMINATED SIGN. Any sign which has characters, letters, figures, designs or outline illuminated by electric lights or luminous tubes.
PERPENDICULAR SIGN. Any sign that is mounted perpendicular to the face of the structure it is mounted on.
PERSON. Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.
POLITICAL SIGN. A temporary sign used in connection with a local, state or national election or referendum.
PORTABLE SIGN. Any sign not classified as an attached or free-standing sign.
SIGN AREA. The area encompassed within the shortest line drawn around the perimeter of the display and message including all letters and designs which are part of the sign; including border and trim, but excluding bases, aprons, supports and other structural members; whichever is greater. The total allowable sign area for a property includes the total of both business and advertising signs. The terms SIGN AREA and GROSS SIGN AREA are used interchangeably.
SPECIAL OCCASION SIGN. A temporary sign used in connection with a one-time uncommon, extraordinary event for purposes of honor or celebration, such as a birthday, anniversary or sporting achievement.
(C) General application of sign regulations; building permit required. No sign, outdoor advertising structure or display of any character shall be permitted, except in conformity with the following regulations. A building permit is required for erection, construction, placement or replacement of any sign to be permanently attached to a building, to be permanently erected as a free-standing sign, for any portable sign or for any temporary sign.
(D) General regulations for signs.
(1) No sign shall be of such brightness or shall flash, scintillate or move as to create hazardous or annoying glare. Time and temperature or message signs not otherwise prohibited under this regulation will be allowed; provided they do not create hazardous or annoying glare.
(2) No sign shall be so located as to materially impede or so illuminated as to interfere with the effectiveness of any traffic control device or obstruct a motorist’s view at any street or highway intersection.
(3) Signs used exclusively for the posting or displaying of official notices by a public agency or official or by a person giving legal notice, and signs erected or maintained by a public agency or official or required by law to be displayed by a public utility for directional warning or informational purposes are not subject to the regulations of this chapter. Informational and directional signs (which may include a corporate identity symbol) are exempt from this regulation.
(4) No sign shall be pasted or painted directly on the surface of any wall or roof.
(5) No sign shall be permitted to be placed on a fence in any residential district (R-1, R-2 or R-3 Districts).
(6) No sign shall be permitted to be placed on a fence in any commercial or industrial district unless the fence meets the setback requirements for a sign in that zoning district.
(7) Permits are not required for temporary signs that announce a campaign drive or civic event. However, persons posting such signs are responsible for their removal within seven days after the termination of the event. Permits are also not required for temporary real estate signs, but such signs comply with the size requirements as prescribed in divisions (E)(3), (G), (H) and (H)(3).
(8) Signs indicating the time and place of meetings of civic organizations are permitted on the main entry roads into town; provided, only one sign structure is utilized to accommodate all the notices on each major entry road.
(9) Portable signs are allowable only under the following conditions:
(a) The sign area shall not exceed 32 square feet, and any one face shall not exceed 16 square feet;
(b) A portable sign shall not be illuminated;
(c) A portable sign may be located only in districts zoned B-1, B-2, I-1 and I-2;
(d) Only one portable sign per business location shall be allowed. The location where
the portable sign is displayed must be on the same lot where the business is located; and
(e) The height of a portable sign shall not exceed five feet.
(10) All signs shall be maintained in good and safe structural condition. The painted portions of signs shall be periodically repainted and kept in good condition. Illuminated signs shall be kept in proper working order.
(11) The general area near any sign on undeveloped property must be kept free and clear of sign materials, weeds, debris, trash and other refuse.
(12) Advertising signs shall not be established at any location having principal frontage on any street within 300 feet of any property which is used for public park, public school, church, city hall or public museum having principal frontage on the same street or within 300 feet of any residential zone abutting the business or industrial zone when such sign face would face into the residential zone.
(13) No outdoor advertising sign or part thereof shall be located on any property without the consent of the owner, holder, lessee, agent or trustee.
(14) Any sign which for 14 consecutive days has directed attention to a product, place, activity, person, institution or business which is no longer in operation or existence shall be deemed to be abandoned and shall be removed within 45 days of the expiration of said 14-day period. The person who erected the sign on the premises and the owner of said premises, if different, shall be jointly and severally responsible for the removal of said sign, including all structural supports, braces, poles and framework.
(15) Except where otherwise specifically stated herein, any sign in existence on the effective date of this chapter which does not comply with the provisions of this chapter may continue in existence as a matter of right and may be maintained and repaired pursuant to the provisions of this section. Replacement of the existing signs are permitted only if the sign remains the same in terms of size, height, placement, location and character.
(16) Directional signs are allowable, subject to the following conditions:
(a) No setback is required;
(b) They shall not exceed a height of four feet; and
(c) Six square feet per sign is allowed. The square footage is not to be included in computing the total general allowable sign area for the property.
(17) Political signs are allowed, subject to the following provisions:
(a) They may not be displayed prior to six months before the election which they refer to;
(b) They must be removed within seven days of the election they refer to;
(c) The maximum allowable size is four square feet in residential districts, and 32 square feet in commercial and industrial districts;
(d) No sign permit is required, but permission of the property owner must be obtained before placing the signs;
(e) They shall not be placed on any right-of-way, street, alley, sidewalk, driveway or other public way or property; and
(f) Signs may not be attached to any utility pole.
(18) Garage/yard sale signs are allowed, subject to the following provisions:
(a) They shall not be displayed more than 24 hours before the beginning of the posted sale time and must be removed within eight hours of the completion of the posted sale time;
(b) The maximum allowable size of the sign is four square feet;
(c) The sign shall not be attached to any utility pole; and
(d) No sign permit is required, but permission of the property owner must be obtained before placing the sign.
(19) Special occasion signs are allowed in residential districts (R-1, R-2 and R-3) only, subject to the following provisions:
(a) The sign shall not exceed a total of 32 square feet;
(b) The sign shall not be illuminated;
(c) No permit is required; and
(d) The sign shall not be in place for more than five days.
(20) Construction signs are allowed in all zoning districts.
(a) Temporary construction signs are not required to obtain a permit from the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
(b) The general contractor may display only one sign per construction site, unless an additional sign is deemed necessary by contractor to clarify delivery entrances.
1. The maximum allowable size of the sign is 12 square feet in area and may not exceed four and one-half feet in height.
2. The sign must be removed within four weeks of the completion of construction.
(c) Sub-contractors may display additional signs as follows:
1. Only one sign per construction site is allowed; and
2. The sign must be removed within one week after the completion of subcontractor’s portion of the construction.
(E) Sign regulations within residential districts. The following sign regulations shall pertain to all residential districts.
(1) Residential signs within residential districts shall be as follows.
(a) For single-family or two-family dwellings, for each dwelling, nameplates and identification signs indicating the name and address of the occupant are permitted, providing the sign area does not exceed two square feet.
(b) For multi-family dwellings, for each residential building, one identification sign indicating only the name and address of the building and the name of the management is permitted, providing the sign area does not exceed 16 square feet. The signs shall not be closer than eight feet to any other lot of record.
(c) A residential project having several buildings shall be permitted in addition to one additional sign with the name of the project only on each street. The sign area shall be no greater than 32 square feet and shall not exceed 16 square feet on one side. The signs may not be closer than 16 feet to any other lot of record.
(d) No attached sign shall exceed one story in height or 14 feet above the curb level, whichever is lower. No free-standing sign shall exceed seven feet in height.
(2) Non-residential signs within residential districts shall be as follows.
(a) For church bulletins, cemeteries, educational institutions, recreation and social facilities, and other similar uses, one identification sign with sign area not to exceed 60 square feet is permitted. No one face shall be greater than 30 square feet. The signs may not be closer than eight feet to any other lot of record.
(b) Illuminated signs in all R-1, R-2 and R-3 Residential Districts are prohibited, except for church bulletins and educational institutions. Illuminated time and temperature or automated language signs are prohibited in all residential districts.
(c) Nonconforming business uses may have exterior signs with sign area not to exceed 16 square feet with no more than eight square feet per side.
(d) Signs designating parking area entrances or exits are limited to one sign for each entrance or exit, with sign area not exceeding two square feet each. One sign shall be permitted per parking area designating the conditions of use or identity of the parking area and limited to a sign area of nine square feet.
(e) Temporary signs advertising the sale of agricultural products grown or produced on the property with sign area not exceeding eight square feet are permitted.
(f) No attached sign shall exceed one story in height or 14 feet above the curb level, whichever is lower. No free-standing sign shall exceed seven feet in height.
(3) Residential real estate signage shall be as follows.
(a) Temporary real estate signs are not required to obtain a permit from the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
(b) Temporary on-site real estate signs are to be displayed for the purpose of informing the public of the proposed sale or rental of real estate property.
(c) No more than one on-site sign shall be posted on each property for sale or rent, unless said property is a corner lot in which case two signs are allowed.
(d) One additional temporary off-site residential real estate sign may be posted within village limits and may be placed only with prior permission from the owner of property on which sign is placed. Off-site signs are allowed for real estate property sale only, with the sole intent to provide direction to the property that is for sale. Such signs are not to be placed within the State Route 9 right-of-way corridor.
(e) Special signage for a real estate open house showing is limited to two signs in addition to those listed in division (D) above and this division (E). No open house sign can be place more than two days prior to the open house and must be removed within 24 hours after the completion thereof.
(f) No sign allowed under divisions (E)(3)(a) and (E)(3)(b) above shall exceed four and one-half feet in height nor be placed within eight feet of another lot. Sign area shall not exceed seven square feet in area.
(g) No sign allowed under division (E)(3)(d) or (E)(3)(e) shall exceed four and one-half feet in height nor be placed within eight feet of another lot. Sign area shall not exceed three square feet.
(4) Advertising signs or structures are prohibited in any residential district except as outlined in this section.
(F) Sign regulations within office space districts. The following sign regulations shall pertain to office space districts: Sign uses permitted in the residential districts are permitted in the office space district. The regulations covering permitted signs within residential districts shall also apply to the Office Space District. No advertising signs are permitted in the OS-1 District.
(G) Sign regulations within business districts. The following sign regulations shall pertain to business districts.
(1) The regulations covering permitted signs within residential districts shall also apply in business districts.
(2) In B-1 Districts, business signs are permitted subject to the following conditions.
(a) The gross area in square feet of all signs attached to the wall of a building shall not exceed 15% of the wall area to which they are attached or of which they are a part. The gross area of all freestanding signs shall not exceed one square foot of area per each lineal foot of frontage on the lot of record.
(b) No sign shall exceed 20 feet in height and shall in no case extend above the roof line.
(c) Integrated retail and office buildings or complexes. For integrated retail and office building complexes with more than one building in single ownership or under unified control, one additional free-standing business sign other than those provided for in the B-1 District above shall be permitted subject to the following:
1. The signs shall indicate only the name and location of such center and the name and type of business of each occupant of the center;
2. The gross area of the additional sign shall not exceed one square foot per each lineal foot of frontage and, in no case, more than 150 square feet; and
3. Such additional free-standing sign shall not exceed 20 feet in height above the curb level.
(d) Perpendicular signs are permitted in the B-1 District subject to the following conditions:
1. Perpendicular signs are permitted only for business that do not meet the setback requirements for free-standing signs;
2. The sign must conform to the size requirements as listed for free-standing signs in this section; and
3. The bottom of the sign shall be no lower than ten feet above curb height.
(3) Business signs in B-2 District are permitted subject to the following conditions.
(a) The gross area in square feet of all attached signs shall not exceed 15% of the wall area to which they are attached or of which they are a part.
(b) The gross area in square feet of all freestanding business signs shall no exceed one square foot per each linear foot of frontage of the lot of record.
(c) No attached business sign shall exceed 20 feet in height nor extend above the roof line. No free-standing business sign shall exceed 30 feet in height above the curb line.
(d) Integrated retail and office buildings or complexes (OS-1) or integrated retail and office buildings or complexes with more than one building in single ownership or under unified control, one additional free-standing business sign, other than those provided for in B-2 District above, shall be permitted subject to the following:
1. Such signs shall advertise only the name and location of such center and the name and type of business of each occupant of the center.
2. The gross area of all signs shall not exceed one square foot per liner foot of frontage and in no case more than 300 square feet.
3. Such additional free- standing sign shall not exceed 20 feet in height above the curb level.
(4) Advertising signs in B-1 and B-2 Districts are prohibited (see advertising sign definition).
(5) There shall be no more than one “For Sale” or “For Rent” sign per lot of record, except that on a corner lot one sign shall be permitted on each street side. The sign area shall not exceed 32 square feet, nor shall the sign exceed seven feet in height.
(H) Sign regulations within industrial districts. The following sign regulations shall pertain to business and advertising signs within industrial districts.
(1) Business signs in I-1 and I-2 Districts are permitted subject to the following conditions.
(a) The gross area in square feet of all attached business signs shall not exceed 25% of the wall area to which they are attached or of which they are a part.
(b) The gross area in square feet for a freestanding business sign shall not exceed 150 square feet per sign face.
(c) No attached business sign shall extend above the roof line. No free-standing business sign shall project higher than 35 feet above the curb level.
(2) Advertising signs in the I-l and I-2 Industrial Districts are prohibited.
(3) There shall be no more than one “For Sale” or “For Rent” sign per lot of record, except that on a corner lot one sign shall be permitted on each street side. No sign area shall exceed 64 square feet, nor shall any sign exceed seven feet in height.
(I) Application of other law. The provisions of the Highway Advertising Control Act of 1971, as now in force or as may be amended from time to time, shall apply where applicable notwithstanding any of the provisions of this chapter.
(J) Severability clause. If any section, division, sentence, clause or phrase of this chapter or any part thereof, or application thereof to any person, firm, corporation, public agency or circumstance, is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid or ineffective by any court of competent jurisdiction, that decision shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining portions of this chapter or any part thereof. It is hereby declared to be the legislative intent of the Board of Trustees that this chapter would have been adopted had the unconstitutional or invalid provision, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part thereof not then been included.
(Ord. 18-108, passed 5-7-2018) Penalty, see § 10.99