In the General Industrial District, no building or land shall be used, and no building shall be erected except for one or more of the following specified uses unless otherwise provided in this chapter:
(A) Any principal use first permitted in an I-1 District;
(B) Heating and electric power generating plants;
(C) Any of the following production or manufacturing uses (not including storage of finished products) if they are located not less than 800 feet distant from any residential district and not less than 300 feet distant from any other district:
(1) Junk yards, provided such are entirely enclosed within a building or within an eight-foot obscuring wall;
(2) Incineration of garbage or refuse when conducted within an approved and enclosed incinerator plant;
(3) Blast furnace, steel furnace, blooming or rolling mill;
(4) Manufacture of corrosive acid or alkali, cement, lime, gypsum, or plaster of Paris;
(5) Petroleum or other inflammable liquids, production, refining or storage; and
(6) Smelting of copper, iron or zinc ore.
(D) Any other use which shall be determined by the Village Board, after recommendation from the Zoning Board, to be of the same general character as the above permitted uses in § 153.161. The Village Board may impose any required setback and/or performance standards to ensure public health, safety and general welfare; and
(E) Accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any of the above permitted uses.
(Ord. 18-108, passed 5-7-2018) Penalty, see § 10.99