The following uses may be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject further to the review and approval of the site plan and the use by the Village Board after a hearing and recommendation is received from the Zoning Board for each use:
(A) Auto, engine and body repair, and under-coating shops when completely enclosed;
(B) Lumber and planing mills when completely enclosed and when located in the interior of the district so that no property line shall form the exterior boundary of the l-1 District;
(C) Metal plating, buffing and polishing, subject to appropriate measures to control the type of process to prevent noxious results and/or nuisances;
(D) Retail uses which have an industrial character in terms of either their outdoor storage requirements or activities (such as, but not limited to, lumber yards, building materials outlets or agricultural implements) or serve convenience needs of the Industrial District (such as, but not limited to, eating and drinking establishments, banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, automobile service stations, motels or bowling alleys, trade or industrial schools or industrial clinics);
(E) Short-term car storage for wrecked auto-mobiles where such storage is for periods not to exceed six months and when no such storage is undertaken for the wrecking or salvaging of auto- mobiles or parts thereof, all such storage shall be completely fenced and shall be obscured from public view by a completely obscuring wall or fence;
(F) Other uses of a similar character to the above uses; and
(G) Accessory buildings and uses customarily incident or any of the above uses.
(Ord. 18-108, passed 5-7-2018)