(A)   Primary entrances facing side yards and rear yards are not permitted. Through lots and corner lots with frontage on two village streets can accommodate two-family dwellings with an entrance facing either street or both streets. An alley is not a street.
   (B)   The following limitations shall govern the size of detached buildings on a residential property.
      (1)   If a dwelling unit does not include an attached garage, a detached garage may be constructed, if the footprint of the structure does not exceed 720 square feet and the overall height of the structure does not exceed 16 feet. Alternatively, the height may exceed 16 feet if the side walls of the structure are not more than 9 feet in height and the pitch of the garage roof matches the pitch of the residence structure. The detached garage shall not be considered an accessory structure in this case.
      (2)   Any garage or accessory structure built upon a residential property must have exterior finishing similar to the exterior finishing of the residence or other homes in the neighborhood. Vertical ribbed metal siding and corrugated metal siding are not allowed.
   (C)   Should a two-family residential district be established bordering an existing R-3, business or office district, the developers of the two-family residential property shall provide:
      (1)   An obscuring wall constructed along property lines. The wall shall be not less than 54 inches tall; or
      (2)   In lieu of a wall, a 54-inch tall chain link fence and ten-foot-wide greenbelt in accordance with § 153.199 may be provided along residential district borders.
   (D)   Should a two-family residential district be established bordering an existing industrial district, the developers of the residential district shall provide:
      (1)   An obscuring wall constructed along property lines. Such a wall shall not be less than 72 inches in height and shall be in accordance with § 153.204; or
      (2)   In lieu of a wall, a 72-inch tall chain link fence and a 20-foot wide greenbelt may be provided along industrial district borders. The heavily planted greenbelt shall be in accordance with § 153.199.
(Ord. 18-108, passed 5-7-2018) Penalty, see § 10.99