It is hereby declared to be a nuisance and a danger to the health, safety, welfare, peace and comfort of the village its residents for any person:
   (A)   Businesses. To conduct any business or to use any premises so as to create an offensive or foul odor which taints the air and renders it nauseous to persons in the vicinity;
   (B)   Animals. To keep or maintain any animals in an unclean or filthy manner or surroundings, or to keep or maintain any animals from which emit any particularly foul or offensive odors;
   (C)   Animal carcasses and the like. To cause or permit to be collected or to remain upon any premises or place any animal carcass or any offal, filth, excretion or other noisome or noxious animal matter of any kind which is, or is likely to become, putrid, foul or offensive;
   (D)   Vegetable matter. To cause or permit to be collected or to remain upon any premises or place any slop or other vegetable matter of any kind which is, or is likely to become putrid, foul or offensive;
   (E)   Cellars, vaults, privies and the like. To cause or permit any cellar, vault, cistern, drain, privy, yard or other premises whatsoever to become, from any cause, foul or offensive or injurious to the public health;
   (F)   Stagnant water. To permit to be collected or to stand upon any premises any foul or stagnant water of any kind;
   (G)   Stables and pigsties. To locate or maintain, or permit to exist or remain, anywhere within the village any stable or pig sty; and
   (H)   Foul or noxious substances. To use, deposit or keep any property, substance or thing emitting or causing any foul, offensive, noisome, nauseous or noxious odor, effluvia or stench particularly repulsive to the physical senses and which annoys, discomforts or endangers, the welfare, health or safety of any person.
(Prior Code, § 97.15) Penalty, see § 97.99