A.   If it is reasonably expected that the Special Event will result in the necessity of street cleaning, has the potential for unusual noise, or other disruption of commercial activity in the City, or will otherwise pose a hazard to public health and safety of the City, the City may require the applicant to post a deposit (as determined by the City Clerk) to assure compliance with the standards and conditions required in the Special Event License.
   B.   All applicants may be required, if deemed necessary, for public health and safety to provide the City with a valid certificate of liability insurance written through carriers acceptable to the City and Utah Local Governments Trust. Said liability insurance shall:
      1.   Provide bodily injury and property damage liability protection in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence or such additional amount as may be determined from time to time by City.
      2.   The applicant must be specified as the insured. The certificate shall name Toquerville City, its officers and agents, as an "additional insured" and must specify that the applicant's insurance shall be primary to any insurance carried by the City.
      3.   A certificate of insurance shall be properly executed with the original signature of the authorizing insurance agent. A copy of the insurance certificate is required prior to the Special Event License being issued and shall not be canceled prior to giving the City at least ten (10) days' written notice of such cancellation.
      4.   If alcohol is to be consumed, liquor liability coverage is also required. Special Events open to the general public or private events that charge for alcohol served must adhere to Utah State Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control ("DABC") and provide a copy of the single event permit issued by DABC prior to the Special Event.
   C.   In every case the Special Event location shall be restored to its condition prior to the event. This is to include, but not be limited to, cleaning of streets, sidewalks and gutters, repair damaged streets, sidewalks, utilities, street signs, etc. If the City is required to correct problems or clean up after a Special Event, the responsible party will be billed for the cost of correction and/or cleanup if the Deposit made per subsection A of this section is not sufficient to cover the cost of correction and/or cleanup. If no correction and/or cleanup is required, the deposit made per subsection A of this section will be refunded within thirty (30) days after the Special Event. (Ord. 2021.01, 1-20-2021)