A.   Information Required: It shall be the responsibility of any person or entity engaging in Business within the City to voluntarily apply for an initial Business License. The application shall be submitted to the License Officer on a form provided by the City which shall contain the following information: business name, general description of business to be engaged in, mailing address, phone number, date of birth, social security number, all names of individuals involved in the ownership of the Business and such other information as the License Officer shall deem reasonable and necessary.
   B.   Application Voided: A Business License application that has not had all required items submitted and approved and the license issued within six (6) months of application date shall be considered void and a new application and fee will be required.
   C.   Renewal: Any person or entity holding an active Business License, except where otherwise specified in this Title, shall be granted the opportunity to obtain a renewal license. The License Officer shall issue notices of renewal to eligible businesses forty five (45) days before the expiration date on such form as the licensing officer may direct. Any Licensee wishing to obtain a renewal license shall verify the accuracy of the information regarding the business as requested on the renewal form and shall attest to the accuracy of said information by affixing his/her signature to the form. The signed renewal form shall be returned with the appropriate license renewal fee to the License Officer. Any Licensee no longer engaging in business within the City limits and therefore not wishing to obtain a renewal license shall indicate such intentions on the renewal form, attesting with his/her signature, and return such form to the License Officer. (Ord. 2020.14, 7-16-2020; Ord. 2024.09, 6-20-2024)