10-21-13: PARKING:
   A.   General Provisions: Except as may be provided elsewhere in this title, minimum off street parking space according to this section, with adequate provisions for ingress and egress by standard sized automobiles, shall be provided at the time of construction or expansion of any building or recreation facility, or change in use which requires more off street parking spaces.
   B.   Parking Lot Characteristics: Each parcel of land developed for off street parking in response to the requirements of this title shall provide the following characteristics:
      1.   Surfacing: Each lot shall have hard surface and be maintained in good condition and kept clear and in an unobstructed and usable condition at all times. Responsibility for maintenance of the lot shall rest with the property owner. The lot shall provide adequate access to a street or alley.
      2.   Grading: Parking lots shall be graded for proper drainage with surface water diverted in such a way as to keep the parking area free of accumulated water or ice and to prevent erosion.
      3.   Lighting: Lots shall be properly illuminated with sharp cutoff luminaries to prevent direct light from spillover onto adjoining buildings, grounds and the night sky.
      4.   Size Of Spaces: Each parking space shall measure at least nine feet (9') wide by eighteen feet (18') long.
      5.   Lot Layout: Whenever right angle parking is employed, a minimum of twenty five feet (25') shall be required between rows of parking. Whenever other angle parking (i.e., 30 degree angle) is employed, a minimum of eighteen feet (18') shall be required between rows of parking. The width of the ingress and egress to the parking lot shall be the same as the minimum distance between the rows.
      6.   Landscaping: A minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the parking lot shall be dedicated to landscaping.
   C.   Required Spaces: The requirements below may be superseded by requirements provided in a specific zone district. If the calculation of required space results in a fractional number, such fraction should be rounded off to the next higher whole number: (Ord. 2012.04, 1-18-2012)
Civic buildings
Determined by specific review
Hotel, motel, condo
Minimum of 1 space per unit and 2 for staff
2 spaces per 1,000 square feet
Residential uses:
Single-unit dwelling
2 parking spaces
Two-unit dwelling
2 parking spaces per unit
Three-unit dwelling
2 parking spaces per unit
Four-unit dwelling
2 parking spaces per unit
Multi-unit dwelling
Minimum of 8 spaces, 2 spaces for each unit
Apartment house
2 spaces for each unit
Restaurants, bars
1 space for every 4 seats and 2 for staff
1 space for each 1,000 square feet of retail area and 2 spaces for staff
Tennis courts, skating rinks
Determined by specific review of comparables
1 space for every 5 seats
   (Ord. 2012.04, 1-18-2012; amd. 2014 Code)
   D.   Parking Heavy Equipment: Heavy equipment in excess of twelve thousand (12,000) pounds' gross vehicle weight, excluding pickup trucks and including, but not limited to, construction equipment, excavation equipment, dump trucks, front end loaders, road graders, eighteen (18) wheel semitrailer rigs and livestock trucks, may be parked only in agricultural zones, multiple use zones and highway commercial zones, providing the following restrictions are met:
      1.   Equipment shall be parked on property owned by the same person who is the registered owner of the equipment;
      2.   Equipment shall not be parked on any roadway, street or highway fronting or bordering the property, but shall be parked on the lot and/or parcel itself;
      3.   The equipment shall be parked in a place and manner so as to be reasonably screened from view from the roadway on which the property fronts;
      4.   The equipment engines and/or associated motors (i.e., refrigeration units) shall not be allowed to run while parked; and
      5.   All equipment used for construction may be parked at the construction site during the period of ongoing construction that is authorized by a current building permit. (Ord. 2012.04, 1-18-2012)