The design of bridges and/or tunnels shall conform to the following regulations:
   A.   All bridges and tunnels must be detailed in separate design plans submitted to the planning commission for its review.
   B.   Bridge abutments shall not exceed eighteen feet (18') in height, as measured from top to original grade.
   C.   All wing walls shall be constructed of decorative materials (i.e., textured surfaces, colored or tinted materials) and shall be submitted and approved by the city planner. Wing walls shall be feathered back into cut and fill slopes in terraces not exceeding six feet (6') in height. Wing wall systems shall be designed to maximize revegetation under the criteria outlined in subsection 10-21-9F of this chapter.
   D.   Bridge and tunnel plans shall be reviewed and approved by the city engineer. (Ord. 2012.04, 1-18-2012)