A.   General Requirement: No person shall commence or perform any grading, excavation, filling or clearing of land without first having obtained a permit from the Zoning Administrator or City Designee and ascertaining the existence and location of any underground utilities. No grading permit shall be issued except in connection with a permitted use allowed within the zoning district in which the property that is to be graded, filled or cleared is located. Any such permitted use that requires a building permit or other approval as provided by this Title, such as home construction or a commercial site or a subdivision, must obtain approval as provided under this Title before a grading permit may be issued. All grading plans submitted for approval must be prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Utah.
   B.   Exemptions:
      1.   Agricultural: Grading, excavation, filling or clearing for agricultural purposes within an agricultural zone, that does not negatively impact adjacent property in regards to drainage, shall be exempt from a grading permit. Grading, excavation, etc., associated with nonagricultural uses or construction, in an agricultural zone, shall require a grading permit.
      2.   Residential Landscaping: Minor grading or clearing associated with landscaping projects for single-family residential uses, that do not negatively impact adjacent property in regards to drainage, shall be exempt from a permit requirement.
      3.   Non-disturbance of Natural Grade: Minor Grading (residential), excavation, filling or clearing that does not disturb the natural grade of more than two thousand (2,000) square feet or result in a change to the natural grade, shall be exempt from permit requirements.
      4.   Public Facility Projects: Grading required to construct Public Facilities including roadways and utility improvements approved by the City Council shall be exempt from permit requirements.
   C.   Scope of Permit: A grading permit and the approved grading plan is intended to be utilized for grading purposes only and is not to be used for the purpose of constructing on-site or off-site improvements. Issuance of a grading permit based on an approved grading plan does not constitute approval of driveway locations or sizes, parking lot structural sections or layout of any structure, ADA-related requirements, building locations or foundations, walls, curbing, off-site drainage facilities or other items not related directly to the basic grading operation. On-site and off-site improvements shall be constructed from construction plans and drawings approved by the City.
   D.   Stockpiling of material is prohibited under the exclusive use of this Article.
(Ord. 2024.03, 3-6-2024; amd. Ord. 2024.18, 8-7-2024)