The zone district map may be amended as provided in this section. The city council may establish a fee for zone change applications to cover the cost of processing and review.
   A.   Review Process:
      1.   Planning Commission: The proposed amendment shall be submitted to the planning commission with documentation as prescribed in chapter 6 of this title. The planning commission may recommend approval, modification and approval, or denial of the proposed zone amendment following the procedures described by Utah Code Annotated and this title, and in accordance with the criteria in this section.
      2.   City Council: Within a reasonable time after a proposed amendment is submitted to the planning commission, the planning commission shall submit its recommendations on proposed amendments to the city council for its consideration. Failure of the planning commission to table or submit its recommendations to the city council within a reasonable time shall be deemed a recommendation of approval of the proposed amendment by the planning commission.
      3.   Public Hearing: Upon receipt of a completed application, the planning commission shall advertise and convene a public hearing pursuant to section 10-1-8 of this title to receive public comment. Within a reasonable time after the public hearing, the planning commission shall recommend approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the proposed amendment to the city council.
   B.   Standards For Review: No zone district amendment shall be approved unless the planning commission finds that the amendment meets the following standards and conditions:
      1.   Addresses a recognized and demonstrated need in the community;
      2.   Will be compatible with the character of the neighborhood and surrounding structures in use, scale, mass and circulation;
      3.   Will not result in an over intensive use of the land or excessive depletion of natural resources;
      4.   Will not have a material adverse effect on community capital improvement programs;
      5.   Will not require a level of community facilities and services greater than that which is available;
      6.   Will not result in undue traffic congestion and traffic hazards;
      7.   Will not cause significant air, odor, water, light or noise pollution;
      8.   Will not otherwise be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the present or future inhabitants of the city; and
      9.   Will meet the requirements of the general plan.
   C.   Diversity Of Ownership And Minimum Area For Zone Designation: Neither the size of a zone district nor the number of landowners within a zone district shall be considered as evidence of the illegality of a zone district or a proposed zone designation. (Ord. 2012.04, 1-18-2012; amd. Ord. 2024.15, 8-7-2024)