   In addition to § 155.152, the following regulations shall apply, where required:
   (A)   Access: see § 155.246;
   (B)   Nonconforming uses: see § 155.254;
   (C)   Off-street parking and loading facilities: see § 155.255;
   (D)   Site plan approval process: see §§ 155.270 through 155.276; and
   (E)   Prefabricated structures: see § 155.257.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000)
§ 155.165 PURPOSE.
   The Thoroughfare District is designed to provide for the diverse uses that can take advantage of the access provided by a major arterial or freeway, without sacrificing the integrity of the thoroughfare or freeway in its primary function as a means of moving vehicular traffic through the community. This district is established to create an attractive, higher intensity use corridor composed primarily of office, retail, limited light industrial and commercial uses, hotels, motels and restaurants. To protect the integrity of the thoroughfare, minimum lot sizes will be larger, setback requirements will be greater, and more stringent access restrictions will be imposed in the THOR District than in other commercial and Industrial districts. The THOR District should have increased water, sewer and drainage capacity, and increased fire protection to accommodate the higher intensity uses typically found in the district. The THOR District is an overlay district, meaning that the regulations within the district are in addition to the base district that is being overlaid.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000)
   (A)   Uses permitted by right: see Appendix A, Schedule of Uses;
   (B)   Accessory structures permitted: see Appendix A, Schedule of Uses; and
   (C)   Uses permitted by special exception: see Appendix A, Schedule of Uses.
   (D)   If a use is not permitted by right, as a permitted use or by special exception, it is not permitted for any reason.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000)