(A) Principal structures: all principal and accessory structures shall be located and constructed in accordance with § 155.138 where it applies, as well as to the following requirements: see Appendix C, Area, Setback, Height and Coverage Regulations; and
(B) Accessory structures: see Appendix C, Area, Setback, Height, Coverage and Building Size Regulations for Accessory Buildings.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000)
The intent of this district is to provide for areas that are appropriate for the industrial needs in the city. The provisions hereof are to encourage industrial development to locate at a reasonable distance from residential and commercial areas. The provisions hereof are further meant to discourage residential development in this district or any other development that would hinder or adversely affect industry.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000)
(A) Uses permitted by right: see Appendix A, Schedule of Uses; and
(B) Uses permitted by specific use permit: see Appendix A, Schedule of Uses.
(C) If a use is not permitted by right, as a permitted use or by special exception, it is not permitted for any reason.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000)
(A) Principal structures: all principal and accessory structures shall be located and constructed in accordance with § 155.153 where it applies, as well as to the following requirements: see Appendix C, Area, Setback, Height, Coverage and Building Size Regulations; and
(B) Accessory structures: see Appendix C, Area, Setback, Height, Coverage and Building Size Regulations for Accessory Buildings.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000)