Police Department
31.01 Creating the position of Police Chief
31.02 Method of selection and removal of Police Chief
31.03 Method of hiring and removal of police officers
Police Reserve Force
31.15 Auxiliary police force established
31.16 Chief of Police to have control
31.17 Use of firearms
31.18 Application and eligibility for membership
31.19 Duties
31.20 Identification
31.21 Removal from membership; resignation
31.22 Diminishing the force
31.23 Power and authority
31.24 Remuneration for services
31.25 Summary dismissal and publication
31.26 False impersonation
31.27 Chief of Police prescribes uniforms and badges
Municipal Court Judge and Alternate Judge
31.40 Appointment by City Council
31.41 Duties
31.42 Term, compensation and bond
Clerk of the Municipal Court
31.55 Appointment; term of office
31.56 Duties and responsibilities
31.99 Penalty
Statutory references:
Authority of municipality to establish and regulate municipal police force, see Tex. Local Gov’t Code, § 341.001
Authority of municipality to establish police reserve force, see Tex. Local Gov’t Code, § 341.012
Corporation Court, see Tex. Code of Criminal Procedure, § 45.06
Municipal Court, generally, see Tex. Gov’t Code, Ch. 29
Office of Municipal Court Judge, generally, see Tex. Gov’t Code, § 29.004
(A) The elective office of City Marshal shall be left vacant upon the passage of this subchapter, and removed from future city election ballots.
(B) The head of the Police Department for the city shall henceforth be known as the position of Police Chief, and shall be appointed in the manner set forth in this subchapter.
(1995 Code, § 8.101) (Ord. 37A, passed 11-9-1989)
(A) The Mayor and/or a committee appointed by the Mayor shall interview applicants for the position of Police Chief. After considering the qualifications of
all the applicants, the aforesaid Mayor and/or committee shall make their selection and present the same to the City Council for its approval.
(B) Removal from office of the Police Chief shall require a majority vote of the City Council.
(1995 Code, § 8.102) (Ord. 37A, passed 11-9-1989)
(A) The Police Chief and/or a committee appointed by the Mayor shall interview applicants for the job of police officer, and shall make their selection and present same to the City Council for its approval.
(B) Removal from office of police officer shall require a majority vote of the City Council.
(1995 Code, § 8.103) (Ord. 37A, passed 11-9-1989)