   94.01   Definitions
   94.02   Areas covered
   94.03   Park use
   94.04   Park hours of operation
   94.05   Fees established
   94.06   Special events permits
   94.07   Vehicles
   94.08   Wildlife
   94.09   Plant life
   94.10   Fires/smoking
   94.11   Weapons
   94.12   Animals
   94.13   Glass beverage containers
   94.14   Reservations
   94.15   Other unlawful acts
   94.16   Use of loudspeakers
   94.17   Dumping and littering
   94.18   Solicitations and sale of goods and services
   94.19   Camping
   94.20   Special events
   94.21   Special rules for specific park facilities
   94.22   Procedures and guidelines
   94.23   Park signs
   94.24   Non-discrimination clause
   94.25   Effect on existing law
   94.26   Enforcement
   94.99   Penalty
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDON. A person giving up custody of a domesticated pet or farm animal without making arrangements for another person to assume custody.
   ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE. Any beverage containing more than 0.5% of alcohol by volume, which is suitable for use as a beverage, either alone or diluted.
   ANIMAL. A non-domesticated living creature (e.g., cat, dog, chicken, or rabbit) or a wild living creature previously captured.
   CITY COUNCIL. The City of Tool City Council.
   CLOSED FIELD. A playing field or a game field that has been closed for any use due to inclement weather or maintenance requirements by order of the Director of Maintenance and Operations.
   COMMUNITY PROGRAM. A city or Department activity offered as a free service to the public with no admission or registration fee and which is considered to be a minimum essential level of park and recreation opportunities in a municipal environment. Expenses will be recovered by subsidies/sponsorships by businesses and corporations. Community programs include department-sponsored city-wide special events and educational and community service programs.
   COUNTY. Henderson County, Texas.
   DEPARTMENT. The Parks Division of the City of Tool Maintenance Department.
   DIRECTOR. The director of the department or his or her authorized designee.
   DIRECTOR OF MAINTENANCE. The department head assigned to lead the Parks Division.
   EXPLOSIVE. Any chemical compound or mixture that is commonly used or intended for the purpose of producing an explosion.
   FEES. Charges assessed or levied by the city through the department to one or more people and/or entities for participation in programs, receipt of services, and/or use of a public park or recreational facility. Fees generally fall into one of the following categories:
      (1)   ADMINISTRATION FEE. A portion of a fee retained to cover administrative costs incurred in processing certain program registration and facility reservation refund requests;
      (2)   ADMISSION FEES. Charges made to enter a public building, structure, event, or other controlled area;
      (3)   ONLINE CONVENIENCE FEE. A fee charged to an individual or entity for utilizing the city's online registration/payment service;
      (4)   PERMIT FEES. Charges for a permit issued by or under the authority of the Director of Maintenance and Operations;
      (5)   RENTAL FEES. Charges for the privilege of exclusive use of any public park or recreation facility or equipment;
      (6)   SALES REVENUES. Revenues obtained from the operation of stores, concessions, etc. and from the sale of merchandise or other property;
      (7)   SPECIAL SERVICE FEES. Charges, made for supplying commodities, activities or services as an accommodation to the public; and
      (8)   USER FEES. Charges for the non-exclusive use of a public park’s equipment or recreation facility, participation in a park program or access to an activity, or a city-controlled area for which an admission fee is not otherwise charged.
   GAME FIELD. Any portion of a public park that is either owned or leased by the city that has been designated as an area in which athletic league games are played, including fields for football, soccer, softball, baseball or any other team sport activity, whether or not sponsored or co-sponsored by the department.
   INDIVIDUAL. A single human being.
   PARK. A property owned, operated, or maintained by the City of Tool for recreation and enjoyment by the general public.
   PEACE OFFICER. A peace officer as defined in the Tex. Code of Criminal Procedure, Art. 2.12 as amended.
   PERSON. Any individual, group of individuals, organization, corporation, or other legal entity, but does not include the city.
   PET. A domesticated animal kept for pleasure rather than utility.
   ROAD. Any road or street, maintained or controlled by the city for public passage for vehicles within a park.
   SPECIAL EVENT. A non-routine organized activity intended for more than 25 individuals to share a common purpose as a group.
   TRUCK. A motor vehicle designed, used, or maintained primarily to transport property, with a carrying capacity exceeding 2,000 pounds.
   VEHICLE. Every device in, upon, or by which any individual or property may be transported or drawn upon a road, except a device moved by human power.
   WEAPON. Those objects defined as weapons or prohibited weapons in Tex. Penal Code, Ch. 46.
   WILDLIFE. Living creatures that are neither human nor domesticated.
(Ord. 2024-10, passed 10-17-2024)
   Except as specifically noted, these rules and regulations also apply to all city parks located within the city.
(Ord. 2024-10, passed 10-17-2024)
§ 94.03 PARK USE.
   No person or organization shall use a park, or any area or facility therein, for any purpose other than for the purpose for which it was designed or designated. Any activity that will disrupt the normal purpose of the park is prohibited. Anyone seeking to use the park facilities for the purposes of video recordings and/or photography for profit is strictly prohibited without proper permission from the person designated by the Director of Maintenance and Operations.
(Ord. 2024-10, passed 10-17-2024)
   No person shall enter into or remain within a park at any time other than during such time as the park is open to the public, as designated on the signage posted at or near the entrance of the park, or on the city's website, unless given prior written approval by a designated city official.
(Ord. 2024-10, passed 10-17-2024)