The Control Authority may modify the wastewater discharge permit for good cause including, but not limited to the following reasons:
(A) To incorporate any new or revised federal, state, or local pretreatment standards or requirements;
(B) To address significant alterations or additions to the user's operation, processes, or wastewater volume or character since the time of wastewater discharge permit issuance;
(C) A change in the POTW that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the authorized discharge;
(D) Information indicating the permitted discharge poses a threat to the POTW, POTW personnel, or the receiving waters;
(E) Violation of any terms or conditions of the wastewater discharge permit;
(F) Misrepresentations or failure to fully disclose all relevant facts in the wastewater discharge permit application or in any required reporting;
(G) Revision of or a grant of variance from categorical pretreatment standards pursuant to 40 C.F.R. 403.13; or
(H) To correct typographical or other errors in the wastewater discharge permit.
(Ord. 2005-8-226, passed 8-2-05)
(A) The Control Authority may revoke a wastewater discharge permit for good cause, including, but not limited to, the following reasons:
(1) Failure to notify the Control Authority of significant changes to the wastewater prior to the changed discharge;
(2) Failure to provide prior notification to the Control Authority of changed conditions pursuant to this chapter;
(3) Misrepresentation or failure to fully disclose all relevant facts in the wastewater discharge permit application;
(4) Falsifying self-monitoring or other reports;
(5) Tampering with monitoring equipment;
(6) Refusing to allow the Control Authority timely access to the facility premises amid records;
(7) Failure to meet effluent limitations;
(8) Failure to pay fines;
(9) Failure to pay sewer charges;
(10) Failure to meet compliance schedules;
(11) Failure to complete a wastewater survey or the wastewater discharge permit application; or
(12) Violation of any pretreatment standard or requirement, or any terms of the wastewater discharge permit or this chapter.
(B) Wastewater discharge permits shall be voidable upon cessation of operations. All wastewater discharge permits issued to a particular user are void upon the issuance of a new wastewater discharge permit to that user.
(Ord. 2005-8-226, passed 8-2-05)
A user with an expiring wastewater discharge permit shall apply for wastewater discharge permit reassurance by submitting a complete permit application, in accordance with this chapter, a minimum of 90 days prior to the expiration of the user's existing wastewater discharge permit.
(Ord. 2005-8-226, passed 8-2-05)
(A) If another jurisdiction, or user located within another jurisdiction, contributes wastewater to the POTW, the Control Authority shall enter into an interjurisdictional agreement with the contributing jurisdiction.
(B) An interjurisdictional agreement, as required by division (A) above, shall contain the following conditions:
(1) A requirement for the contributing jurisdiction to adopt a Sewer Use Code or Ordinance which is at least as stringent as this chapter and local limits which are at least as stringent as those set out in this chapter. The requirement shall specify that such ordinance and limits must be revised as necessary to reflect changes made to the code of the City of Tontitown, Arkansas and/or local limits;
(2) A requirement for the contributing jurisdiction to submit a revised user inventory on at least an annual basis;
(3) A provision specifying which pretreatment implementation activities, including wastewater discharge permit issuance, inspection and sampling, and enforcement, will be conducted by the contributing jurisdiction; which of these activities will be conducted by the Control Authority; and which of these activities will be conducted jointly by the contributing jurisdiction and the Control Authority;
(4) A requirement for the contributing jurisdiction to provide the Control Authority with access to all information the contributing jurisdiction obtains as part of its pretreatment activities;
(5) A provision insuring the Control Authority access to the facilities of users located within the contributing jurisdiction's boundaries for the purpose of inspection, sampling, and any other duties deemed necessary by the Control Authority; and
(6) A provision specifying remedies available for breach of the terms of the interjurisdictional agreement.
(Ord. 2005-8-226, passed 8-2-05)
(A) Within either 180 days after the effective date of a categorical pretreatment standard, or the final administrative decision on a category determination under 40 C.F.R. 403.6 (a)(4), whichever is later, existing categorical users currently discharging to or scheduled to discharge to the POTW shall submit to the Control Authority a report which contains the information listed in §52.076. At least 90 days prior to commencement of their discharge, new sources, and sources that become categorical users subsequent to the promulgation of an applicable categorical standard, shall be required to submit to the Control Authority a report which contains the information listed in division (B). A new source shall report the method of pretreatment it intends to use to meet applicable categorical standards. A new source also shall give estimates of its anticipated flow and quantity of pollutants to be discharged.
(B) Users described above shall submit the information set forth below.
(1) Identifying information. The name and address of the facility, including the name of the operator and owner.
(2) Environmental permits. A list of any environmental control permits held by or for the facility.
(3) Description of operations. A brief description of the nature, average rate of production, and standard industrial classifications of the operation(s) carried out by such user, this description should include a schematic process diagram which indicates points of discharge to the POTW from the regulated processes.
(4) Flow management. Information showing the measured average daily and maximum daily flow, in gallons per day, to the POTW from regulated process streams and other streams, as necessary, to allow use of the combined wastestream formula set out in 40 C.F.R. 403.6(e).
(5) Measurement of pollutant process.
(a) The categorical pretreatment standards applicable to each regulated process.
(b) The results of sampling and analysis identifying the nature and concentration (and/or mass, where required by the standard or by the Control Authority) of regulated pollutants in the discharge from each regulated process. Instantaneous, daily maximum, and long term, average commemorations or mass, where required, shall be reported. The sample shall be representative of daily operations and shall be analyzed in accordance with procedures set out in this chapter.
(c) Sampling must be performed in accordance with procedures set out in this chapter.
(6) Certification. A statement, reviewed by the user's authorized signatory and certified by a qualified professional, indicating whether pretreatment standards are being met on a consistent basis, and, if not, whether additional Operation and Maintenance (O&M) and/or additional pretreatment, is required to meet the pretreatment standards and requirements.
(7) Compliance schedule. If additional pretreatment and/or O&M will be required to meet the pretreatment standards, the shortest schedule by which the user will provide such additional pretreatment and/or O&M. The completion date in this schedule shall not be later than the compliance date established for the applicable pretreatment standard. A compliance schedule pursuant to this section must meet the requirements set out in this chapter.
(8) Signature and certification. All baseline monitoring reports must be signed and certified in accordance with this chapter.
(Ord. 2005-8-226, passed 8-2-05)