(A)   Open ditches which run parallel to streets and sidewalks, generally in front of residential and commercial buildings, typically referred to as a rural cross-section, will not be permitted.
   (B)   If the construction of a new subdivision effects adjacent lands such that new culverts or similar structures are required for replacement of or modifications to existing systems, these culverts shall be constructed per divisions (C) and (D) below.
   (C)   (1)   Culverts and similar structures shall have a capacity which meets or exceeds the capacity of the surface drain, but shall be a minimum of 15 inches in diameter. The flowline of a culvert shall match the flowline of the surface drain. Culverts shall create not more than one foot of backwater upstream from the structure. End sections shall be provided for all culverts.
      (2)   The length of new culverts installed under driveways shall be the sum of the following: the width of the driveway, plus the length required at the ditch line to maintain a three-to-one sideslope from the top of the driveway to the top of the culvert, plus an adequate section to allow the installation of an end section to each side.
   (D)   Culvert pipe materials shall be as specified in the following paragraphs, unless directed otherwise by the village’s Maintenance Superintendent:
      (1)   Bituminous Coated Corrugated Steel Culvert Pipe, conforming to AASHTO Designation M 190, Type A;
      (2)   Bituminous coated corrugated aluminum alloy culvert pipe, conforming to AASHTO Designation M 190, Type A;
      (3)   Precoated smooth lined corrugated steel pipe, conforming to AASHTO Designation M 246; and
      (4)   Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe (RCCP), as specified in § 153.208(K)(1).
(Ord. 97-7, passed 7-1-1997, § 5.19)